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Bertolt Bretch: The Caucasian Chalk Circle "One's self-sacrifice and determination will always be rewarded in life."Using illustrations from the play Caucasian Chalk Circle,write an essay in support of this statement.(2016 PP3 No.2)


Bertolt Bretch: The Caucasian Chalk Circle
"One's self-sacrifice and determination will always be rewarded in life."Using illustrations from the play Caucasian Chalk Circle,write an essay in support of this statement.(2016 PP3 No.2)



In a world dominated by selfishness and egocentirism,there are a few people who are selfless and benoolent and will have unflinching determination to help people who are vulnerable.In the Caucasian Chalk Circle,Grusha is an emblem of selflessness and compassion.To a certain extent,Simon Adzak and the Duke occassionally show signs of determination to recompense the kindness extended to them.

Grusha risks her life for the sake of Michael.Although she is overworked in Governor George Abashwili,s home,when chaos break out,the other servants duck out of danger,and warn Grusha against protecting Michael but Grusha remains stoic.Natella Abashwili,Michael' mother leaves her son behind,but Grusha watches the baby overnight and despite of her poverty,she escapes the baby from the hands of the ironshirts and runs away barefoot with the baby.
Grusha buys milk for Michael at a high price to try and feed the baby.She tries to make Michael suck her dry breast.She buys two piasters and changes the baby's diaper. Grusha crosses a rotten bridge which overlies a precipice two thousand feet deep in order to save Michael. Grusha withstands a very cold reception by Aniko, the sister in law and advice's Michael that they should make themselves as small as cockroaches. She even accepts to marry Jussup and risks the relationship with Simon Shashava. When the ironshirts take Michael, she pursues them barefooted. Her efforts are rewarded when Michael is given to her by Adzak the judge especially when she does not jerk the boy from the Chalk Circle in fear that she can tear him apart.

Adzak rescues the duke despite himself. He even offers him food.He however reports himself to the authorities and instead of being apprehended he becomes a judge. When the farmers subject him to violence, the duke sends a rider to deliver a letter that restores him as a judge and he makes the most important sentence of determining Michael's mother. The fruit growers are determined to get Rosa Luxembourg and they argue out the reason for doing so and they get the land since it would be more lucrative.
In a nutshell,Grusha's selflessness,Adzak's kindness and fruit growers are rewarded for their determination.
marto answered the question on June 23, 2017 at 07:27

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