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5 tips for limiting distractions while communicating to God


Date Posted: 10/24/2012 1:49:04 AM

Posted By: Ressy  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 14

1.Set the environment: Establish a routine time and place. You can have a prayer mat in a quiet place with no interruptions.

2. Quiet your soul: We have a lot on our minds every second of the day. Write out your cares and worries then trust it under God's care and control.Ask God to help you let go of the worries and cares and trust Him and connect to Him.

3. Pray: Praying about communicating with the God of the universe and the one who love you more than you'll ever know.Pray aloud or write down your prayers leaving room to come back and fill in how God answered your prayer requests.

4. Be unconventional: God is personal and can connect in unique ways with each person. Some people connect most with God while talking aloud while showering while others when driving. God is our most faithful listener.

5. Listen: God speaks in various ways. He can speak through a still,small reassuring voice of peace and love as you pray.

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