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How action makes everything a possibility


Date Posted: 11/23/2012 5:01:05 AM

Posted By: Geekeijoe  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 453

Action is the power, the one and the only power. It is all the essential power that turns you in to the overwhelming success you want to be. Without action nothing is accomplished. Truly you can think positive and cheery thoughts for a lifetime, yet if they are not accompanied by positive action, that life time will be barren; it will be as useless as taking a thirst-free donkey to the river. In other words, you can map out great plans for winning your goals yet if they are not personally activated you have planned in vain. Indeed, with actions all things are possible for you and providing it is the rightmost kind of action. It is the right kind of action and the forward movement of your total personality including your physical movements, your speech, your ideas, your feelings, your desires and everything else that make you the powerful person of which you really are.

Some people imitate successful actions while thinking of failure; failure is then what they get. Others talk accomplishment but fail to follow up with definite plans. They also drop out of the race. A few others by where you really need to be throw everything they have in to the battle. They are the ones who are applauded as the winners. Some men’ actions produce their sought after wealth. While the acts of others return nothing but one frustration after the other, we need a clear vision to discover such. A man of action is a finisher he keeps working along a particular line until it proves itself either true or false. These men can be ten times more triumphant if they realize wholeheartedly that almost all obstacles are mental or emotional only. If a man will take the mental and emotional attitude that there

is really nothing on the way. He will eventually prove it with ten times his usual success. The so-called applauded winners know that they can achieve much more than they think they can achieve because they never hold their strength in reserve.
Most of us don’t worry about a mistake itself. What bothers us is the possibility that we will appear foolish to others or to ourselves. Errors are helpful lessons. Our courage will see our errors helpful. “Be great in act as you have been in thought.” William Shakespeare. If we establish the habit of doing exactly what we don’t feel like doing, our triumph will then come from reserving negative feelings and acting without concern for possible errors.

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