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Wisdom is everywhere calling, the choice is yours whether to obey or disregard


Date Posted: 1/13/2013 11:18:21 PM

Posted By: billgates  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 446

Wisdom is rare, and those people who have it are rare too. That’s why you hear people saying that when you see an old man with white hair and a bald, he is full of wisdom. But it is also true that old people are rare.

The mystery of wisdom has, however, not been understood by man. The bible says that wisdom stands at the gates calling, for anyone who wants to receive it. The question is; how comes it is everywhere, yet so rare? I will answer that in a moment.
Wisdom is not just about giving good advice, knowing what to do or what not to do, but is more of having sound judgement, understanding, as well as doing what it requires of you to do. Having said that, i will answer the question i paused at you before. Yes, wisdom is everywhere, it is not something that falls from heaven at certain times to certain people who deserve it, rather, it is the day to day advice we get from parents, teachers or older people in general. It is the advice you get from people with experience. Wisdom is only conceived the moment you choose to do all that you have been told. You first learn it, keep it in your heart and practice it all the days of your life. That’s when it becomes “wisdom”, otherwise, it is just information.

In fact, as we grew up, our parents taught us a lot. Sometimes it had to be in form of biting, so that wisdom could stick in our minds. The bible even says that- foolishness(which is the opposite of wisdom) is always present in a child, a little spanking will not kill him, but will remove this foolishness. In other words, i perceive that when foolishness is removed

from someone, it is replaced by wisdom.

Therefore, it is not that those people who do foolish things lack wisdom. It is just that they have chosen to ignore the valued information that was given to them by older people. I know you may just be wondering about the case of Solomon the son of David. Yes, he was wise, in the sense that he could solve matters that were way beyond the ability of the people of his time, but one thing you must understand is this; his wisdom was God given, he asked about it and it was given to him. However, for you to acquire such wisdom, start by listening to what you are taught by people older than you, then everything will follow.

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