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What the bible says about wealth creation


Date Posted: 1/16/2013 5:48:52 AM

Posted By: billgates  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 446

It is written that we should no store our treasures here on earth where moths will feed on them and thieves will come at night and steal. Going by that statement, does it mean that the bible is discouraging hard work? Certainly not, this statement has another meaning altogether.

When the scripture says that we should not keep our wealth here on earth, and then it warns us of laziness, does it mean that it is somehow contradicting itself? The scripture talks a lot in parables, until one understands the voice of God, he/she may not get it right.

Ideally, when it warns us not to store our riches on earth, in other words, it is telling us that riches that are not accumulated the right way are evil. They don’t come from God and so they have a worldly aspect in them. They are the riches of the world. Now, we all know the riches of the world. They are money received from corruption, evil practices in government institutions to manipulate public coffers, property acquired via illegal means etc. All these are worldly wealth, but do they add into your account which is in heaven? That is a question we need to ask ourselves.

Now, when the bible speaks about heavenly riches, it talks about Godly riches. It admonishes us to accumulate wealth the rightful way. If you want to be a wealthy man, hard work is the vehicle that takes you there. But we also know that the bible highly discourages laziness-which concurs with what I mentioned earlier.

The wealth that God is talking about is the one made in the right way, not through dubious schemes. Working hard is part of his will for you. We know that you can only please Him when you do what he wants you

to do. That means if you work hard, something happens to your account in heaven. In other words, you are storing your wealth in heaven where moths and thieves cannot access it. But don’t forget that obeying God means doing everything he wants you to do, generating wealth alone won’t take you to heaven-but certainly it will make your life comfortable here on earth. In fact God wants you do create us much wealth as possible, and that’s why He is warning you in proverbs that A little folding of hands will invite poverty on you like you've never seen.

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