UCU 103: Critical and Creative Thinking Notes on Fallacies

Institution: Kenyatta University

Course: Bachelor of Arts

Content Category: Summaries


Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 5

Price: KES 100
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This document contains summary notes on fallacies.

Brief Overview:

Generally, fallacies are errors in reasoning which from the surface value looks accurate and convincing but when subjected to rigour of reason one realises that reason has been flawed. One perfect example of fallacious reasoning is to designate any mistaken idea or false belief, like the fallacy of believing that all men are honest or all politicians are deceptive. The two examples are generalised statements without recourse to facts that can establish their truthfulness. Simply put, a fallacy is a type of argument that may seem to be correct but which proves, upon examination, not to be so:- it is a type of incorrect argument.- Fallacies are not mere conceptual problems they have far-reaching implications as they may:

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