Ways to Improve Listening Skills During a Lecture

Institution: Kenyatta University

Course: Bachelor of Arts

Content Category: Summaries


Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 1

Price: KES 150
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Brief Overview

1.Take notes.-Taking notes during a lecture enables a listener flow along with the speaker. Therefore, for example if a speaker says; 'There are five uses of communication' and you only have four in your notes you will know that some information was missed and seek clarification.
2.Acknowledge the speaker.-Show the speaker that you are listening and understand by using bodily cues such as nodding your head and clapping at the end of the lecture.
3.Ask questions.-Where a point has not been understood, ask questions for clarification to ensure total understanding of content. Asking questions also seeks to know whether what you have understood is what was being said.
4.Maintain eye contact.-Making eye contact shows attentiveness and enables a listener to capture all information being said by the speaker.
5.Focus on body language.-Body language may be as a result of say emphasis. If a listener observes this it enables them know that the point being mentioned is of great importance...............................

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