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How to treat minor ailments at home using herbs.


Date Posted: 10/22/2012 8:52:41 AM

Posted By: Razen  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 3454

how to treat minor ailments at home using herbs and vegetables.

Though it's always advisable to see a doctor if you feel unwell, financial status, time, beliefs and distance can stand on the way. Due to this, I have compiled the best, simple herbal treatment to minor common ailments.

1.How to cure common cold.
Common cold though mild and common can be so stressing, shaming or irritating. Sneezing, headaches, coughing, etc are also stressing. In order to cure it, here's a guide to prepare some medicine.

Two lemons.
Ginger onion
Garlic slices.

Wash ginger, lemons and garlic and slice them into small pieces. Boil some water (1.5 cups) and add the above ingredients. Cover with a lid and allow the mixture to boil for 10 minutes.

Stop heating and sieve the liquid into a clean airtight container. Add honey after cooling. Drink one glass before sleep and one glass in the morning, before meals.
Repeat this process for 3 consecutive days.

2. How to cure headache.

Garlic onion
hot water with a tinge of salt.
Lemon slice.

Headache can be as a result of many reasons. Stomach upset or disorders can be portrayed through headaches. Stress among other causes can cause headache. Exposure to the sun for long duration can cause it too.
Apart from stomach disorders, all other causes of headaches can be controlled by taking medicine aimed at stopping the headache. So, to control headache caused by stomach disorders, we should control stomach disorders first before controlling headaches.

Crush the lemon slice inside the warm water using a spoon. Drink it.
Take a piece of cloth and crush the ginger and the bulb onion on it. Use the towel to wipe your forehead. Do this in the evenings so as to sleep after medication.
It's always advisable to sleep or relax afterwards.

3. How to cure burns, wounds and swells.

Hot water.

A bandage
A bathing high absorbent towel

Dress the

wound using cold water, for burns and accident wounds, and warm water for swells. Use hot water for internal pains. Add the lemon juice (crushed from a fresh lemon) on the wound. Lemon is an antiseptic. For external wounds, cover lightly with a bandage.

For other ailments, please comments for me to add them to the above list.

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