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Freshman’s night fact-file: What to expect and how to handle it


Date Posted: 11/27/2012 4:13:02 PM

Posted By: sashoo  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 382

I have been there—at a freshman’s night in some campus that I am not going to mention. Hey, I am writing this to alert you of the do’s and the don’ts at a freshman’s night event (what you ought to do and what you ought not to do). Freshers’ night is the night that every freshman in college longs for. It is the long awaited ‘fun’ day. This is a day that is purely set aside to usher in the ‘innocent’ freshman to ‘college’ life. Unfortunately, this is also a day that could determine your fate. I’m serious.

Whether you agree or not, a good number of outsiders (non-students) do attend the so called ‘freshers’ night’. In fact, at least 50% of outsiders do show up. Funny enough, you may not recognize them either, they usually are clad just like students, and they talk and behave just like students. However, you don’t want to know what their various evil limits are, considering they have presented themselves at night, uninvited. Which is reason enough for you to want to take care (most bad things happen at night).

Just to let you know, freshers’ night has resulted in unnumbered mishaps including rape cases, theft cases, fights, injuries, and even death. What beats logic is that someone is not doing their work about this. Universities are not taking measures to protect their very own students. They are not doing a thing to ward off outsiders from campus premises. I just hope someone is reading this.

Well, here’s how to conduct yourself during such an event. Do not walk alone—it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a lady. Learn to walk in groups, always. It’s unlikely that someone will attack you if you are in a group than when you are solo. As well, you

could join ranks together against the offender in question. Most students who fall prey to unscrupulous outsiders are attacked when they are alone. If they were in a group, perhaps, they could avoid the ordeal.

Here’s another one: If someone offers you a drink—even if it’s just water—do not take it. It is a major strategy the outsiders will use to drug or even poison you. Beware that they come carrying such harmful contents in tiny bottles. So, do not be caught up in the euphoria of this outrageous guy who wants to taste every sought of ‘drink’. You could taste a killer drink.

Quite another tip, do not offer to give a handshake to anyone during the night event. This may sound incredible, but some ‘attackers’ might apply some sensitive drug on their palms to set you up into confusion once you shake hands with them.

As well, do not carry valuables along with you (things like wallets, cash, phones etc.). There have been few cases of students who have managed to keep their phones during the night. A lot more have had every valuable stuff they had on them stolen.

It also goes without saying this is not a time to make new friends, right? It’s a mixed lot remember—students versus non-students. Plus it’s at night. Who would want to make new friends in the dark? Of course, there may be some light oozing in, but that’s not enough light to even recognize one’s looks. Also, no sooner will you have recognized the ‘friend’ in question than you will have been robbed or killed.

Finally, if you can, stay sober overnight. It’s the only sure way you will evade all of the aforementioned tactics used by these, not so very friendly, gangsters in sheep’s clothing.

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