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Bba 600: Marketing Research Question Paper

Bba 600: Marketing Research 

Course:Master Of Business Administration

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2012

DATE: Tuesday, 6th December, 2011
TIME: 5.30p.m. – 8.30p.m.

Answer any FOUR (4) Questions.

Q.1) (a)
Explain ethical issues that must be considered when carrying out

marketing research.

(10 marks)

Marketing research comprises of a series of major activities till

completion. Describe the activities.

(10 marks)

Q.2) (a)
In any business marketing research, there is a four step scientific

approach. Explain the steps.

(10 marks)

Observation is one of the key methods of collecting data in a

Business research. Identify the key characteristics of the method. (10 marks)

Q.3) (a)
There are basically THREE types of survey. Describe each type, stating

two advantages and two disadvantages for each.

(10 marks)

Describe the basic steps involved in the sampling process.
(10 marks)

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Q.4) (a)
Factor analysis is one of the methods used to summarize information

contained in a large number of variables. Describe the steps in conducting

the analysis.

(10 marks)

Explain reasons as to why it is important to put done results of a

marketing research in a report format.

(10 marks)

Q.5) (a)
Discuss any statistical tests you can subject your data to as you


(10 marks)

Describe qualities of a good research report.

(10 marks)

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