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Eap 201:Curriculum Development Question Paper

Eap 201:Curriculum Development 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2010

DATE: THURSDAY 18TH FEBRUARY 2010 TIME: 8.00 A.M. – 10.00 A.M.
Answer ALL the questions in Section A.
Answer any TWO other Questions in Section B.


1. a) Define the following terms as used in Curriculum studies:
i) Education

ii) Foundations of the school curriculum

iii) Curriculum design

iv) Curriculum innovation (4 marks)

b) State any TWO key factors that must be considered during curriculum
innovation. (2 marks)

c) Distinguish between curriculum planning and curriculum development
process. (2 marks)

d) Explain TWO forces that can influence curriculum innovation. (2 marks)

e) Give any TWO characteristics of Research, Development and Diffusion
Model (R,D & D). (2 marks)

f) List any FOUR curriculum innovations in Kenya. (2 marks)

g) State any TWO characteristics of co-curriculum design. (2 marks)

h) Explain any TWO functions of the Directorate of Quality Assurance and
Standards. (2 marks)
i) Describe the following terms:

a) Pre-service teacher education

b) In-service teacher education (2 marks)

j) Explain TWO roles of examination in curriculum evaluation. (2 marks)

k) List TWO global aims of education. (2 marks)

l) State TWO characteristics of curriculum goals. (2 marks)

m) Give TWO advantages of subject-centered curriculum design. (2 marks)

n) Identify any TWO stages of curriculum development process. (2 marks)


2. Explain the role of any FOUR (4) agents of curriculum implementation. (20 marks)

3. Comprehensively explain merits and demerits of the centralized curriculum system of
education. (20 marks)

4. Explain the challenges to curriculum innovation in Kenya. (20 marks)

5. Show how the psychological foundation of curriculum is applied in the Kenyan
Education system. (20 marks)

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