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IIieva Emilia and Waveney Olembo (Ed), When the Sun goes down and other stories. "Living with HIV and AIDS


IIieva Emilia and Waveney Olembo (Ed), When the Sun goes down and other stories. "Living with HIV and AIDS does not have to be a death sentence. "With reference to Goro wa Kamau's when he Sun Goes Down, write an essay to illustrate the truth of this statement.



The AIDS scourge has been quite a menace for a long time.It has had adverse psychological and physical effects on the victims. However with the introduction of anti-retrial-viral drugs,some of the victims rejuvenate themselves especially if they take life positive. Improved health diet has gone a long way to alleviate the effects of the effects of s courage. The positive living by Steve makes him live longer contrary to Maureen who remains dejected in her status and dies at an early age.

An infected person who takes a balanced diet lives longer.In the story Steve prepares a meal of rice, 'kunde', lentils and spinach and fries them.He urges Maureen to eat the meal if she is to hold her health. Maureen seems countermand.
It is imperative to take drugs prescribed.The doctor warns Maureen against stopping to take drugs but Maureen stops to take them.This hastens her death.The fight against AIDS starts with the mind.One should cultivate a positive attitude towards life.The positive attitude is prerequisite for positive living.Maureen has resigned her fate and has lost hope.As a result she dies at an early age.On the contrary,Steve cultivates a positive attitude and he feel he can beat the disease, he believes with the support of his family, he would live and execute the responsibilities accorded to him.

To live,one must rise against stigma associated with AIDS.Steve says he does not care what people say. Kanja refuses the glass of juice offered to him. Steve shares the glass of juice with his son,and the son is not infected. On the contrary Maureen is devastated by what others say about her and no wonder her health declines drastically.

Disclosing one's status is helpful. This helps in alleviating psychological torture and this is why Steve is able to live positively.
marto answered the question on June 23, 2017 at 07:58

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