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How to improve the 8.4.4 education system in Kenya


Date Posted: 6/21/2014 2:28:51 AM

Posted By: amo84   Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 742

How to improve the 8.4.4 education system in Kenya

Since independence in 1963, the Government of Kenya has put much emphasis on education as an important vehicle for socio-economic and political development. The current education system in Kenya is founded upon the 8.4.4; eight years of primary school, four years of secondary school and four years of university studies. The system is so competitive, for instance each year over 500, 000 candidates compete for an estimate of 200, 000 places in secondary schools. The system is focused on examination oriented methodology wherefore upon eight years of primary schooling attaining an average stipulated minimum average allows progress to the next level of secondary school for four years.

Education plays a fundamental role in the world. It is a basic right in many countries for a child, hence thanks to the free primary education. The future is believed to be made better by investing in education imparting children with appropriate skills in a dynamic world. Current statistics shows that 8.4.4 system has bred competitive students’ majority of who have secured places in the best international institutions.

Though this has had a far reaching impact to the national development, the challenging needs of a rapid industrializing country, Kenya and a middle income nation requires more than just exam oriented strategies of mobilizing and training the human resource essential in production. The system is impartial as it only favors the bright and talented students. Our education system enhances cramming and memorizing instead of building comprehension, understanding of what is being taught. It features a theoretical aspect or a classroom experience rather than inculcating practical skills of the students in handling challenges in the real world.

Contrary, changing the system to a stronger one that accommodate individual talents and skills rather than theory, the one that advocates for

universal and compulsory basic education can be a remedy in the process of restructuring the system. It should thus incorporate of the development student intellectual academic abilities as well as their sporting talents such as football playing, athletics and acting abilities. Notable country that has made use of such strategy is Uganda.

The government for long has been the driver of the system harnessing all the development projects. An instance of this is the introduction of free education at the primary level. This also has a problem of lack of participation of certain useful people including the parents, the community, the NGOs and the society at large. This helps in equipping the learners with a surrounding of people that care, cultivating morals, expanding ideas of how the future inhabitants should be engaged and sharing the burden of raising children.
Most schools have problems related to the structure, organization and administration of the institution. Teaching implements are few or non-existent, few primary and secondary schools among many troubles. Improving the teaching aids, rewarding industrious teachers, building more primary and secondary schools can remedy the situation.

Education builds responsibilities nurturing good citizens. Introduction of a system that does not consider academics as the only rating tool would enhance impeccable results as the freedom to pursue what one wants will contribute towards a better labour market with required skills for national development.

Finally, the ministry of education should implement policies that will enhance a better system. For instance, better remuneration to the teaching staff will steer their attitude towards their work and facilitate progress. Teacher education and training programmes should be encouraged to build the teaching profession. Early childhood education is paramount as its effects have been noted as significant in enhancing better progress in children education.

In conclusion, the job market is heavily depended on the education system, hence a bridge to a better and skilled workers will be through education. A solution to this will be to initiate projects that will aim to increase adult literacy rate, developing the non-formal education system, facilitating capacity building programmes and digitizing the education system at all levels.

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