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The elliptical trainer


Date Posted: 8/26/2012 1:59:34 PM

Posted By: meg soni  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2477

Elliptical machines are the second most popular machines in any fitness centre,second to the treadmill.Can expectant mothers benefit from using one?Here are the pros and cons of this machine.
- The elliptical puts little stress on the key weight bearing joints of the ankle,knees,hips and lower spine,making it suitable for pre-natal exercise.
-The elliptical is a whole body work out,so unlike the bicycle or the treadmill,your upper body is also challenged,making it a one stop shop for those seeking a short but complete workout without using multiple machines.
-Given the huge cross section of both upper and lower body muscle groups recruited during the use of the elliptical,it is a very effective cardiovascular endurance machine.
-The elliptical runs on a fixed trajectory,taking away the freedom of movement that walking,swimming and other such activities allow.This can contribute to overuse injuries if you do not incorporate other machines into your programmes.
-The treadmill and the bike machine mimic everyday activities.The elliptical machine,however has no carryover application outside the gym.This means that the gains you make are purely cosmetic and not functional in terms of easing your participation in daily life.

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