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Cre Form Two Question Paper

Cre Form Two 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Name five characters of the Messiah prophesied in Isaiah in 61:1-2 (5mks)

2. What were the expectations of the Jews about the Messiah. (10mks)

3. Identify the teachings of Jesus in the feeding of the 5000. (5mks)

4. Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus. (8mks)

5. Identify ways through which the disciples demonstrated love for Jesus. (10mks)

6. Give reasons why some people find it difficult to accept Jesus Christ. (7mks)

7. Explain the significance of the transfiguration of Jesus to his disciples. (6mks)

8. Explain how John the baptist prepared the way for the Messiah. (12mks)

9. How did the Church of the new testament demonstrate unity. (12mks)

10. Explain different ways in which Saul failed as king of Israel. (8mks)

11. Explain the parable of the Good Samaritan. (8mks)

12. Describe Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. (9mks)

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