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Bmit 311: Management August 2010 Question Paper

Bmit 311: Management August 2010 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Management And Information Technology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010


 Attempt question ONE (COMPULSORY) and any other THREE Questions

QUESTION ONE (Compulsory) (25 Marks)
a) Organizational communication is considered as a critical aspect in modern
day management. The challenges that come alongside the communication
process have the potential of enhancing or limiting productivity and
performance of these organizations. Discuss the communication process,
outlining the challenges and potentials that it has on organizational
performance and productivity. (15 Marks)

b) The classical schools of thought insisted that money is the only motivator
they look for. Human Relations came and negated the view while modern
day contingency approaches to management have based their arguments
and views on these old schools. Explain the role that these old schools of
thought have brought about in the development of management thus far
showing that you are aware of the various views of these schools.
(10 Marks)
Peter Drucker once said “Effective leadership is not based on being clever, it is based
primarily on being consistent.” Discuss this statement showing that you are aware of
the leadership roles, traits and types of leaders and how leadership can influence the
general performance and direction an organization can take. (15 Marks)

Ethics and social responsibility have been indicated as the key pillars to successful
and sustainable development in any organization. More social demands continue to
arise and organizations are faced with many social responsibilities with which they
must balance with their financial obligations. Taking an organization of your choice,
show that this is inevitable and organizations must comply to enhance their
development (15 Marks)

a) Discuss the concept of teams in organizations highlighting the types of teams,
factors affecting cohesiveness of such teams and the stages of group
development as developed by Tuckman (10 Marks)
b) Outline clearly the factors that bring out transformational changes in modern –
day organizations. (5 Marks)

Using elaborate and relevant examples, explain how motivational theories are
indicated as being either process theories or content (need) theories. How can
employees with different levels of needs according to Maslow be motivated?
(15 Marks)

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