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Phm B303:Management Information Systems In Hospitality And Tourism Question Paper

Phm B303:Management Information Systems In Hospitality And Tourism 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Hospitality Management

Institution: Pwani University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer question ONE in section A and any TWO questions in section B

Question One

a)Briefly explain the meaning of the following terms as applied in management of Information Systems.

i)System (2marks)
ii)Closed and open system (2marks)
iii)Database management system(2marks)

b)Explain clearly ten(10) types of business information systems that can be used to enhance processes in Hospitality and Tourism sector.(20marks)

c)Explain clearly why online hotel reservations have become quite popular(3marks)

d)In an interview with Hilton hotel,Daniel was asked to make a presentation on computer systems maintenance.Show how an annual computer preventive maintenance schedule should be. (7marks)

e)List down the four stages of data processing. (4marks)

Question Two

Explain how businesses in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry can use internet,intranets and extranets to support their e-commerce activities. (15marks)

Question Three

Using examples to illustrate your answer,explain how information technology can support a company''s business process and decision making and give it a competitive advantage. (15marks)

Question Four

a)Differentiate between Digital markets and Digital goods with reference to Hospitality and Tourism. (3marks)

b)Explain seven(7) unique major features of e-commerce technology giving concrete examples of business significance in Tourism. (12marks)

Question Five

Discuss the history of the Global Distribution System and Computer Reservation System with regard to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. (15marks)

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