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Form 3 English Paper 2 Term 2 2016 Question Paper

Form 3 English Paper 2 Term 2 2016 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016


TIME: 21/2 HRS

1. Answer all questions in this paper.

1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow (20 marks)

We are constantly being reminded that this is the century of common man. Among the rights of common man may be expected to claim is that of a share in moulding his mouth tongue. In that agreeable essay Grammar without fears written with so pleasant a blend of good sense and whimsicality that it is not always easy to be sure whether the author’s tongue is in his cheek. Mr. Hugh – Sykes – Davies invites us to pay our tribute to the common man of the past – the lowly man he calls him – who throughout the centuries has defied the grammarians and by insisting on going his own way has rid our language of tiresome and useless things like inflections and gender and brought it to its present state of ease and flexibility and what Bradley called. ‘noiseless grammar’. Mr. Sykes- Davies advocates that the lowly man should be free to continue his work as no doubt he will. Speaking no longer with the accent of English countryside but with that of the citizen of United States. Whether there his influence will still be beneficent only time can show. What seems certain is that we cannot do much about it. All experience goes to depressed about what is happening now we must get what consolation we can out of the thought not wholly fantastic the posterity may look back on the two Elizabeth ages as the areas of greatest activity in word- making and find that on each occasion the result was an enrichment of language to suit the needs of the time.

A worse danger threatens our language than its corruption by the indiscriminating absorption of new words. That is the way we are using the words we have already have especially the growing habit of speakers and writer of both countries of concealing their thoughts ‘even from themselves’ as George Orwell says under resounding generalities and pseudoscientificjargon ‘will the net translation of bible asks and English man Ivor Brown be allowed to heal the sick? No it will rehabilitate those who are suffering from psycho – physical maladjustment. A spectre haunts our culture.’ Says an America. Lioned Trilling ‘It is that people will eventually be unable to say wefell in love and married. Let alone understand the language of Romeo and Juliet butwill as a matter of course say Our libidinal impulses being reciprocal. We integrated our individual erotic drives and brought them within the same frame of reference. A combined operation to exorcise this spectre would be an enterprise more worthwhile than competing each other for the future control of a vocabulary which is unlikely to submit to dictation by anyone.

(The complete plain words, Words David Gorline Publisher,2002 )

(a) Which one right is common man expected to demand this century?
(1 mark)
(b) How has the ‘lowly man’ affected the English Language?
(2 marks)
(c) What is the writer’s attitude towards the introduction of new words? Explain.
(4 marks)
(d) Why does the writer object to jargon?
(3 marks)
(e) In a paragraph of about 80 words, summarize the writer’s views on the future of the English language
(5 marks)

(f) Explain the meaning of words and expressions as used in the passage.

(i) Moulding
(ii) Whimsicality
(iii) Tongue is in his cheek
(iv)Noiseless grammar
(v) Undiscriminating
(5 marks)

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (25 marks)

Odero looked confused for a moment having expected a spirited fight to reduce the number to at least twenty head. However, he was not a great chief for nothing. He rose beautiful to the occasion. After all style had to be met with style Nyadhi.

‘Ayiel have accepted your suit May the young girl be called so that people of Sakwa may see what a jewel. We are giving them. “Giving us thought Otieno in annoyance. At this rate there will be no cattle left for me to pay pride price with.

In a little while Akoko walked in the company of her mother. Traditionally the girl at this point should have been the picture of demureshyness her eyes fixed firmly on the floor her hands held together in front of her mouth. Not Akoko she walked in steps measuring head held high hands at her sides. Her head swiveled around a bit and then her gaze rested on Owour. Let him see what was getting.

What a branze lass, thought Otieno. ‘Thirty indeed! Owour experienced an indescribable sensation. Whathappened of course was that he had fallen deeply and irrevocably in love.
Since that was not considered particularly important for a successful marriage, he did not understand or appreciate what was happening to him and that it would change his entire life and outlook.

She turned and left the room. Her mother remained for the rest of the ceremony. ‘People of Sakwa. ‘continued Aloo. We are pleased that we have reached an understand we hope that a friendship will spring up between us now and into posterity. Let us pour more libation to Were and drink more kong’o to gladden our heart. Mother of Akoko. Please bring us some food. the feasting went on into the late afternoon until about the tenth hour. Then the suitors had to leave, for Chick did not allow them to spend the right.

(a) Place this exerpt in its immediate context
(4 marks)

(b) What were chief Odero’s expectation after fixing the bride price at thirty head?
(2 marks)
(c) Why is Otieno disappointed?
(2 marks)
(d) Explain what Otieno does later in the novel as a sign of dislike for Akoko?
(4 marks)
(e) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage
(i) Demure
(ii) Brazen lass

(f) Change the following into a question
‘What a brazen lass’
(1 marks)
(g) Describe any two aspects of tradition evident in the excerpt.
(2 marks)
(h) Describe Otieno’s character as depicted in the extract.
(4 marks)
(i) Examine two aspects of style and their effects.
(4 marks)
Read the poem below then answer the questions that follow (25 marks)
A Tax Driver on His Death
When with his prophetic eye I peer into the future
I see that a shall perish upon this road
Driving men that I do not know
This metallic monster that now I dictate
This docile elaborate horse

That in silence seems to simmer and strain
Shall surely revolt some tempting day
Thus I shall die not that I care
For any man’s journey;
Not for proprietors gain
Not yet for love of my own
Not for these I do attempt the forbidden limits
For this defy the traffic man and the cold cells
Risking everything for the little more;
They shall say I know who pick up my bones
Poorchap another victim to the ruthless machine’
Concealing my blood under the metal.
By T. Wangusa

(a) (i) Why must the poet ‘peer’ into the future rather than ‘look’
(2 marks)
(ii) What is the meaning of ‘shall surely revolt some tempting day’(lines 7) (2marks)

(b) What is it that the person does not care about?
(2 marks)
(c) Identify two aspects of style and their effectiveness
(6 marks)
(d) (i) What is the attitude of taxi – driver towards his taxi?
(2 marks)
(ii) What is your attitude towards the taxi driver?
(2 marks)
(e) What is the tone of the poem?
(2 marks)
(f) What is the overall message of the poem
(2 marks)

4. GRAMMAR (30 marks)
(a) Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of words in brackets

(i) Swiss watches are known for their……………………………………………. (precise)
(ii) Such …………………………………….. (repeat) is boring
(iii) The police said it was a strange ……………………………… (occur)
(iv) Her ……………………………………….. (pronounce) impressed the audience

(h) Provide words whose pronunciation is the same as those given but different spelling

(i) Steel
(ii) Four
(iii) Drawn
(v) Seize

(e) Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

(i) The sign at the police post (was/were) barely visible
(ii) The boats in the fleet (goes/go) out at eight.
(iii) Everything but eggs (was/were) in the same box
(iv)His answer to our questions (changes/change) everything

(d) Complete the following sentences using little, a little and a few

(i) There was ………………………………….. rain so they decided to call the rain maker.
(ii) Frida and Mary are happy, they have both answered ………………………………..questions correctly.
(iii) Most of the questions were easy, but he had ………………………………… difficult with the last one.

(e) Fill in the blank space with a phrasal verb formed from the word given in brackets after each
(i) The measles epidemic ……………………………………..soon after the long rains. (break)
(ii) She was ………………….. to meet the interviewing panel (call)
(iii) The acute poverty situation ………………………. for discussion in parliament. (come)

(f) Supply the correct preposition

(i) He should be here …………………………………………. Ten minutes
(ii) What is this school coming ………………………….. ? The results are so bad.
(iii) The chancellor conferred degree …………………..graduates

(g) Choose the correct word from the brackets to fill in the blank space

(i) Most of the students ………………………………………. (has/have) not done their assignment
(ii) The …………………………………………. (dinning/dining) hall is on the right of the administration
(iii) You are ………………………………… (advised/adviced)to avoid sugary food.

(h) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given Do not change the meaning

(a) I did not suspect that they could con me. (Begin: little …………………………………)
(d) Kibet’s wallet was found in the dustbin by wakoli. (Rewrite in the active voice)
(c) I did not see the cat’s. I did not see the camels (combine into the using: neither……………)
(d) I am sorry for calling him a liar. (Begin: I regret…………………………..)

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