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Bmed 215: Biochemistry Of Biomolecules Question Paper

Bmed 215: Biochemistry Of Biomolecules 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biomedical Science And Technology

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2013


1. Unsaturated fatty acids have Cis double bonds and not Trans bonds. Justify this statement
alluding to the physiological significance. (3 Marks)
2. Explain the biochemistry of blood ABO and Lewis antigens. (5 Marks)
3. Briefly describe the chemical origin of the universe. (4 Marks)
4. State any five functions of nucleotides. (5 Marks)
5. Describe any five modifications on a protein and their relevance. (5 Marks)
6. Draw the structure of;
a) A general triacyglyceride (2 Marks)
b) Glycyltyrosine (3 Marks)
c) ATP (3 Marks)
7. Give any differences between RNA and DNA. (10 Marks)
8. Explain any five methods of protein denaturation and their application in medicine. (10 Marks)
9. Differentiate between;
a) Starch and cellulose (4 Marks)
b) Epimer and anomer (2 Marks)
c) Gangliosides and phosphatides (4 Marks)
10. Specific amino acids give rise to specialized products. Justify this with five relevant
examples. (5 Marks)
11.List five functions of glycolipids. (5 Marks)

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