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Bmed 235: Medical Helminthology Question Paper

Bmed 235: Medical Helminthology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biomedical Science And Technology

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2013


1. Briefly define the following terms: (5 Marks)
a) Phoresy
b) Inquilinism
c) Metabiosis
d) Necrotrophic parasitism
e) Endosymbiosis
2. Describe the main modes of transmission by which the helminth larvae can infect new hosts. (8 Marks)
3. With aid of a relevant examples, elucidate response against helminth infection can lead to
tissue injury. (5 Marks)
4. List any four trematodes larval forms. (2 Marks)
5. State any five distinguishing feature between Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes. (5 Marks)
6. Describe any five ways in which helminthes can circumvent destruction by host immune
system. (5 Marks)
7. Discuss Trichinosis under the following sub-headings: (20 Marks)
a) Causative agent
b) Brain and meninges symptoms
c) Life cycle
d) Diagnosis
8. Draw a well labelled diagram of a tapeworm ;
a) Head (4 Marks)
b) Mature proglittid (6 Marks)
9. Describe the life cycle of schistosomes (10 Marks)

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