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Eape 734:Methodologies In Educational Planning Question Paper

Eape 734:Methodologies In Educational Planning 

Course:Master Of Education In Management

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Q.1 (a) The education system in most of the developing countries is facing many challenges despite the fact that those countries are making attempts to plan their education. Discuss the challenges facing educational planners in Kenya. [10 marks]
(b) Describe the features that you expect a successful educational plan to have. [10 marks]
Q.2 You are an educational planner hired by the Kenyan government to advice on formulating sound educational policies aimed at boosting the economic growth through education. Critically analyze the rates of returns to various levels of education in the country and advice the policy makers on which levels to invest public funds. [20 marks]
Q.3 From the time of independence to the present, social demand approach has been extensively utilized as a guide to decision making in education investment in Kenya. Provide practical illustrations to support or to reject this argument. [20 marks]
Q.4 Describe the steps that Kenya has taken in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Education. Discuss the challenges working against the achievement of MDGs in education in the country. [20 marks]
Q.5 Some educational planners argue that the surest way of empowering communities in meeting their basic needs is by providing education. In your view, to what extent is this true in Kenya? [20 marks]

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