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Zool 100:Lower Invertebrates Question Paper

Zool 100:Lower Invertebrates 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Science

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer ALL questions in Section A and ANY TWO in Section B.
1. (a) State the Cnidarian class to which each of the following organisms belongs:
(i) hydra (ii) sea anemone (iii) sea wasp [3 marks]
(b) Describe briefly the body forms found in Cnidarians. [5 marks]
2. (a) Explain how the tentacles of Ctenophores are adopted for capturing prey. [3 marks]
(b) Name the two types of eggs found in monogonont rotifers and state the difference between them. [5 marks]
3. (a) Explain the following body forms: radial, biradial, and bilateral. [2 marks]
(b) Explain briefly the relationship between body size of an animal and its structure. [2 marks]
(c) (i) Give another name for phylum Entoprocta. [1½ marks]
(ii) Name the only known freshwater genus of Entoprocta. [1½ marks]
4. (a) In what respect are Choanoflagellates considered of great significance in the process of animal evolution? [3 marks]
(b) Give the general name of the organisms responsible for “red tides”. [2 marks]
(c) Name the phylum to which the organisms in (b) belong. [1 mark]
(d) Where are pyrenoids found, and what is their function? [2 marks]
5. Animal systematics is dynamic, so with new information about animals being acquired, often animals have been renamed, or a taxon changed etc. Explain what changes have been made regarding the phylum Acanthocephala. [8 marks]
6. Give an account of the evolutionary origin of the organelles of the eukaryotic cell. [20 marks]
7. Discuss the colonial and the syncytial hypotheses regarding the origin of multicellularity. [20 marks]
8. Describe the processes of uptake of food and intracellular digestion in protozoans. [20 marks]

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