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Systems Theory And Management Information Systems Question Paper

Systems Theory And Management Information Systems 

Course:Cpa Part Ii

Institution: Kasneb question papers

Exam Year:2008




Answer ANY five questions

The manager of a manufacturing company has noted several data entry errors in the sales analysis system used by his company. The sales analysis system contains the following fields:
Sales reference number
Product code
Product quantity
Product price
Product stock value

The manager has further observed that the errors may have arisen because the sales analysis system described above may not have undergone validation and verification checks.

a) citing an example in each case, explain the meaning of the following terms as used in computing:
1. Validation (4 marks)
2. Verification (4 marks)

b) For each of the fields in the sales analysis system above, state and justify the required type of data validation check. (12 marks)

a) Briefly describe the following internet applications:
1. Web blogs (3 marks)
2. Instant messaging (3 marks)

b)1. Distinguish between centralized data processing and distributed data processing. (2 marks)
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of distributed data processing. (2 marks)

a) Public domain software could be obtained from friends and other sources.
1. Explain the term "public domain software" (2 marks)
2. Highlight the main reasons why software is often distributed under the umbrella of public domain software. (3 marks)
3. State three sources of public domain software (3 marks)

b) Highlight four ways in which application packages could enhance the efficiency of a business firm. (4 marks)

c) 1. Identify ways in which an organization could minimize unauthorized access to data in its computerized information systems. (4 marks)

2. Outline the methods used to detect data access in computerized information systems. (4 marks)

a) 1. Describe the stages of the classic systems development life cycle (SDLC) (12 marks)
2. Explain the limitations of SDLC (4 marks)

b) Outline the advantages of prototyping information systems development technique over the classic SDLC (4 marks)

a) The components of a computer-based information system in an organization comprise among others, people and data.

1. Explain three other components of a computer based information system (6 marks)
2. Evaluate the reasons why business organizations that have computer-based information systems are more competitive (8 marks)

b) Briefly describe three specialist roles that may be performed by information communication technology (ICT) professionals. (6 marks)

a) The growing number of web applications and service oriented architectures necessitates in-depth management focus on network and database security.

1. Define the term "spyware" (1 mark)
2. Explain the implications of spyware on network security. (2 marks)
3. Enumerate the basic signs of spyware infection (5 marks)

b) Outline the essential capabilities of a secure database. (4 marks)

c) Data encryption is a key component of network security.
Examine the factors considered when selecting an encryption tool for organization. (8 marks)

The management of Ekwe and Muli (Certified Public Accountants) wish to offer their services online. Consequently, the management are in the process of contracting an information communication technology (ICT) consultant to advise on the establishment of a website.

a) List five different ways in which a business any establish a website. (5 marks)
b) Assess the elements that a business organization may consider in order to leverage on the establishment of the website. (15 marks)

a) Write short notes on the following:
1. Query languages (3 marks)
2. Application generators (3 marks)

b) Highlight four organizational factors that should be taken into account during the planning and implementation stages of information systems development. (4 marks)

c) 1. Outline five challenges that may affect successful adoption of an information system in an organization (5 marks)

2. Suggest five remedies to the challenges outlined in (c) (1) above. (5 marks)

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