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Tips to display student artwork


Date Posted: 5/27/2013 4:21:24 AM

Posted By: Reenoti  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 290

Artwork or Art is important in every bit of our lives. This is the reason why it has to be offered in schools right from kindergarten up to higher learning institutions. With this, we see many people venture into art and even become Artists. It is a career which has been known to do so well especially in this era of technology where a picture speaks more than a thousand words. By this, displaying a child’s artwork especially at school is a good step towards building the confidence of that child in what he or she is doing. There are various ways in which a school may opt to display the artwork of students as it is the fast step in showing appreciation in what these students do.

(i) Use of frames
This involves using a rectangular shape with embedded edges and a screen to serve as the mounting area. Silhouettes can then be added to give this frame a stunning outlook. Artwork is then arranged neatly on to the screen and this is what is shown as the display. This tip could be very effective when there is a function at school whereby several people gather for a common purpose. It could be during sports when several schools come around for sporting activities. During parents –days could be another opportunity for a school to use frames as a form of displaying artwork by students. It is obvious that parents are taken around the school and will not miss to see these wonderful works done by their own children and probably, well advertised at the arts corner.

(ii) Use of boxes
This is more helpful where the school is dealing with younger children. A homemade shadowbox is cut neatly at the front to leave a lid which

will be used to hold in place any piece of artwork. This gives a one package of the child’s artwork as any work which is created can easily be slipped in through the top of the box. The front part serves as the display area and better still, this box is a good container that will hold together these works for a very long period of time.

(iii) School website
A school may opt to use its website to show the students artwork and this is helpful especially when advertising for intakes in school. Apart from advertising the curricular activities, these schools may opt to advertise the creativity of the students through use of their site. This is also very effective as many people can get to see the information regardless of the boundary. From this point, a good artwork student may end up being recognized at an early stage, which is very good for career development in future.

(iv) Blogging
It is easy to set up blogs and do updates. Being so popular, having and running a bogging site can be a first step in advertising and displaying students’ artwork. With this, the school will get various reviews and comments regarding their work. Their strengths and weaknesses will also be enlightened and this can serve as a good avenue for improvement.

(v) YouTube
Here is another place where the school may decide to show the students artwork. A few videos and demonstrations will do for this tip. It is a better idea because the students can demonstrate clearly what they do and the steps followed to come up with an artwork. Besides displaying these works, the school will also be participating in educating other students and the public who may be interested in such works. It also serves as an entertaining site where people several people can visit to see what is happening in other parts of the world.

(vi) Hold symposiums
Symposiums can be held on any subject ranging from Mathematics, Science or English among many others. When an Art symposium is held for several schools, it would be a better chance for the school to show their works and this serves as a display. Demonstrations and a little bit of explanations will shade some light on those who had no idea on how a certain art is modeled. Creativity can also be enhanced through such discussions and this can pave way for many other creative minds.

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