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Five common mistakes made by secondary school students in Kenya


Date Posted: 7/18/2013 3:02:25 PM

Posted By: prey  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1405

Five common mistakes done by secondary school students in Kenya

There are so many mistakes that we all do while in secondary school. Some of these mistakes are too tricky to even avoid but some are just a display of ignorance or lack of seriousness.

I have summarized all these mistakes into five major mistakes which should be avoided as much as possible. I believe that some of them are the major reasons why many of the students in secondary schools in Kenya score very low grades. The mistakes are as follows:

1) Concentrating too much on your weaknesses.
Many students think that the best way to pass the exams is to find out which subject they are weakest in and then spend all their time learning the subject. However, this might just be the easiest way to fail all your exams.

The main reason why I am saying this is because the subjects that you are best at are the subjects that can give you very high grades and it is these high grades that raise your mean point even higher regardless of how low you have scored the other subjects.

I am not saying that it is wrong to improve the grades of the subjects which you are not so good at, but just remember that it is better to have a few D’s but many A’s than to get C’s in all the subjects. Also, do not forget that those subjects you are good at usually become your future career.

2) Not making enough friends.
Most businesses operate as a result of a partnership. Whether you like it or not, success most times relies on group work or joint effort, which you cannot have if you do not have any friends.

Make as many friends as you can while at school and then use them to not only

help you pass your exams while in high school but also use them to succeed in your future outside secondary school.

3) Thinking that education is not the only important thing in life.
We hear all these people who failed their secondary school education saying that there is more to life than books and pens. However, is this really true? No. Education is the pillar and the corner stone of life.

From communicating with other people to making money, to even the smallest things that we do every day, all these things rely on education. So, if you believe that having some great talent makes education any less important in your life, then you are terribly wrong.

4) Resting.
Primary school life is usually the toughest life that everyone in Kenya has gone through. This is simply because while in primary school, you are a child and everyone considers you to be too young to know the difference between right and wrong.

For this reason, everything that you do is closely monitored and even the slightest mistake is given a very big punishment. Also, at this stage, the teachers feel like they have to not only teach you but also correct you as though you were their child.

However, when you get to secondary school, life gets a bit simpler. Teachers do not keep following you around everywhere you go and most secondary school teachers prefer to be your friends than to be your parents. For this reason, some students feel like secondary school is the perfect place to rest.

Do not make this mistake. Secondary school is what determines most of the things that will happen to you in your future as an adult.

5) Concentrating too much on their problems.
There are so many things that are big problems to secondary school students in Kenya. However, try to ignore them because if you do not, then you will meet even greater problems once you finish your secondary school education.

For example, as you go on a strike because of being served bad food in your secondary school, ask yourself, what kind of food will you afford in the future if you fail your secondary school education and end up with no job at all?

These are the five major mistakes that many secondary school students do. You must make sure that you do not make these mistakes or you will suffer a lot.

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