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Things to consider before engaging in farming in Kenya


Date Posted: 7/18/2013 3:06:20 PM

Posted By: prey  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1405

Farming in Kenya

There are so many people in Kenya who would like to be farmers, and I would not blame them. Farming can be the most rewarding economic activity ever. All it needs is someone who understands it very well.

Even so, people ignore so many things when they think of becoming farmers in Kenya. These are the same things that come to haunt them later on and stop them from succeeding in the farming sector.

What are some of these things that people should consider before they engage in farming in Kenya? Let me outline them below.

1) What are the conditions favoring various crops?
Some crops cannot do well in certain conditions. For example, you cannot plant maize in arid or semi arid areas and expect to harvest a lot of maize and make millions. It is not a cactus.

If you want to plant a particular crop, you need to ask yourself, what conditions favor the crop? If you do so, then you can either plant the crop in an area that favors it or plant a different kind of crop at the place where you intend to do farming. This will ensure that you get maximum profit from farming.

2) The costs involved.
There are so many costs that are involved in farming. Such costs include buying the tools used in farming, buying the seeds or plants that you intend to plant and even fertilizers.

Keep all these costs in mind before even thinking about farming. If you cannot cover all these costs, then choose another way to get all these things other than buying them or choose another method of making money.

3) The market.
Who even needs your crops? Where are they? If you do not know this, then your farming might give you more losses than profits, which is the road to bankruptcy.

You need to be

close to those who buy your farm produce in order to reduce transport costs.

These factors will enable you to decide whether or not you are capable to do farming in Kenya. They will also allow you to become more successful as a farmer in Kenya.

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