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Gaining more from trade in Kenya


Date Posted: 7/5/2013 4:49:53 AM

Posted By: prey  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1405

Trade in Kenya

Trading as we all know is the exchange of one item for another. However, I want to talk business. Therefore, my definition of trade is the selling or buying of items using money.
In Kenya, trade is one of the main ways that people earn income. People sell so many items and get good cash from this trade. However, there are some who do not understand how to make the most from trade.
There are a few ways that you can make the most from selling goods in Kenya, I will outline these ways.

1) Sell what is scarce.
There are so many people especially retailers in Kenya who sell items which are commonly sold in the place where they are located. However, this is the best way to get few customers.
If you want to sell many of your goods, then surprise people. Sell them things which they have been looking for all their lives. Look at what they do not have and give it to them.

2) Sell at the cheapest price during the first days.
During the first days of selling your goods, sell them at a throw away price, and then keep raising your price until it is just a few shillings below the prices of those whom you are competing with.
This is because most Kenyans develop trust when they buy from one person for a long time. However, this trust does not have to be eternal. You can shift this trust to yourself by giving them a reason to buy goods from you for a few days.
This is why you should be very cheap for the first few days that you introduce your goods for sale in Kenya. However, because every business is formed for the sake of earning the owner interest, that is why you increase the price with time but

do not do it in such a way that you scare your customers away.

3) Give them cheap offers every once in a while.
Everyone in Kenya likes good things which are very cheap. Therefore, give your customers exactly that but not all the time. What I mean is, sell your goods at a very cheap price every once in a while, like once every week.
This will make even more people to buy things from you even when your goods go back to their usual price.

This will guide you to having more customers buying your goods in Kenya. Trade is not always easy. You sometimes think that you can rely on your customers to give you a steady income but then things go wrong and you lose them all. However, the above will allow you to benefit to the maximum from selling goods in Kenya.

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