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EFN 402: Comparative Education Notes

Institution: Kenyatta University

Course: Bachelor of Education

Content Category: Lecture Notes

Posted By: davidkariuki1010

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 81

Price: KES 150
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Comparative Education has been defined in different ways by various authors. There has been no clearly accepted definition of Comparative Education. However, there has been one agreement among the scholars that Comparative Education is concerned with comparisons in education.
Comparative Education is an analytical survey of systems of education and problems with a view of establishing similarities and differences. It makes comparisons across geo-political, historical and cultural boundaries. The process of comparison involves analyzing forces which make for resemblances and differences between systems of education or problems of education.
Then looking at the reasons why different solutions have been attempted to problems in education that seem common to all. Lastly, finding out why these systems are the way they are.
Purpose of Studying Comparative Education There are enough reasons why prospective teachers should study comparative education. These include: 1) For Intellectual Reasons It is an intellectual activity that scholars can pursue to the highest level possible. An individual can do this in order to enhance his/her intellectual capacity concerning other systems of education with the purpose of enlightenment. This knowledge would help the individual to understand their education system better and that of others with the intention of improving and solving problem in their own system. Knowledge for its own sake is the sole ground upon which Comparative Education need to make a stand in order to merit inclusion among other academic fields.
2) Planning
Modern societies have come to appreciate the importance of planning. Various problems that are associated with over-population, under production, diseases, economic non-viability, industrialization and social ills can be tackled through planning. Planning requires careful formulation of objectives, establishment of priorities and the identification of the means to achieve those objectives. Since an educational policy affects millions of people, rational decisions need to be made so that the policy can achieve the desired results. This call for proper planning that Comparative Education can provide a helping hand.
3) Practicability
Education operates in a practical age where it is now taken as any consumer good. The patterns of education that have no practical utility are being reformed. For instance, in United Kingdom the state supported primary schools whose objectives was to teach the masses how to read and write, so as to enable them work better in the industrial society. These systems have survived with modification and improvements. In the former USSR and China work experience was emphasized and was very much reflected in the curriculum. In United States of America, comprehensive schools on the principle of utility and practicability have replaced grammar schools. In Kenya the education system was reformed in 1985 with a view to make it more elitist and had no practical utility to the pupils involved. The problem of reforming an education system to make it more practical and of utility must be studied for solutions and this can be done better through the study of Comparative Education. 4) Humanitarian viewpoint The current world is characterized by increasing problems that are affecting the human population in various ways. Most of the former stable regions of the world have been affected by wars. The problems experienced in these countries do affect their neighbours and other countries of the world in various ways. For instance, the gulf war of 1991 affected the world oil prices just as had happened in 1971 during the crisis in the Middle East. Since the Declaration of Human Rights by UN in 1948, there has been heightened aspiration for peace, freedom, equality, and a better life. As part of the human rights access to education has been increased. Many countries including Kenya provides Universal Primary Education. Therefore, the knowledge of each other education system is necessary and can better be acquired through Comparative Education.
5) Seeing Education in World Perspective Most countries of the world have identical problems in their educational perspective. Therefore, it is possible for them to learn problems from each other on how they resolved a particular problem. For example, when Kenya was implementing FPE in 2003, Nigeria could have provided some of the clues of the problems, which were to be expected, and the solutions to them. Uganda a close neighbor to Kenya with practical solutions on how she managed to obtain total literacy while India has problems in achieving it. These countries can provide important lessons to Kenya during her implementation of FPE. Also, one would want to know how nations have struggled to establish media of instruction. The comparative approach would yield a deeper understanding of educational problems. In this era, the purpose of Comparative Education would be better understanding of the changed circumstances and to have better equipments to fulfill the new responsibilities. This will help in understanding of why some countries education systems are progressive while others are backward. The administrative system of the land influences the state of the educational system. For instance, the administrative machineries of Switzerland, Canada, USA, and Japan are combined with local autonomy and decentralized control. Consequently, in the educational system of these countries, we find a reflection of their political

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    By the end of the course you will be able to; i. Define the terms gender, governance and development. ii. Describe and critically analyze the theories of governance from a gender...

    Price: KES :  150

  • HCR 205: Family Health Notes


    Price: KES :  150

  • AHT 201: Themes in African History Notes

    INTRODUCTORY REMARK TO THE STUDY OF THEMES IN AFRICAN HISTORY In this brief explanation I want to point out clearly that the study of African history is complicated and even controversial. Unlike...

    Price: KES :  200

  • AGD 103: Gender, Population and Development Notes

    Course Description: Interrelationship between the concepts of Gender, population and development, world population Growth, trends estimates and projection. Uses of demographic data, population...

    Price: KES :  150

  • AFF 200: Introduction to General Linguistics Notes


    Price: KES :  150

  • AHT 318: Gender Relations in African History Notes

    Chapter One: Introduction and Conceptual Issues Learning Objectives By the end of the chapter the learner should be able to: 1. To define gender and related concepts 2. Trace the evolution of...

    Price: KES :  150

  • APP 201: Political Thought Notes

    APP 201: POLITICAL THOUGHT 1.0: Introduction to political thought 1.1 Definition of political thought According to Sabine and Thorson (1973: 3) political thought can be defined as an intellectual...

    Price: KES :  150

  • ASC 103: Introduction to Comparative Sociology Notes

    IMPORTANCE OF COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY. Whereas sociology and anthropology analyses particular society comparative sociology focuses on cross-cultural or cross societal research and analyses into...

    Price: KES :  150

  • EMP 401: Educational Management and Leadership Communication Notes

    EMP 401: EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION Introduction The word communication is derived from the Latin word “communis” which means common. Hence, in order for people to...

    Price: KES :  150

  • UCU 201: Information, Media and Technology Notes


    Price: KES :  150

  • EPS 400: Educational Statistics and Evaluation Notes

    EPS 400: EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS AND EVALUATION PART ONE: EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces you to the basic concepts in educational statistics and evaluation....

    Price: KES :  150

  • SMA 300: Real Analysis I Notes

    SMA 300: REAL ANALYSIS I Purpose of the Course The purpose of this course is to enable learners to develop a deeper and more rigorous understanding of the real number system including defining...

    Price: KES :  150

  • ASC 426: Sociology of Organizations

    ASC 426: Sociology Of Organizations Notes Purpose of the Course: The society is made up of a variety of organizations, both informal and formal. This course seeks to help learners understand the...

    Price: KES :  150

  • AFF 413: Introduction to Translation and French in the World Notes

    AFF 413: INTRODUCTION TO TRANSLATION AND FRENCH IN THE WORLD Ce coursd’Introduction à la traduction et le français dans le mondeporte sur une introduction à l?étude des notions de base de la...

    Price: KES :  200

  • EMP 201: Introduction to Curriculum Development Notes

    EMP 201 INTRODUCTION TO CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 1.0 INTRODUCTION TO CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Curriculum is a plan of Education. This plan transforms ideas into curriculum which is related...

    Price: KES :  200

  • ALT 201: East African Poetry and Drama Notes

    Introduction to course content, structure and objectives Course content: I have structured this course such that the student starts by looking at East African Poetry and Drama from the...

    Price: KES :  200

  • ASC 429: Culture and Development Notes

    Objectives of the course This course is going to introduce you to some of the debates on culture and development. In order to keep this course on a manageable scope for a semester we shall restrict...

    Price: KES :  200

  • AGD 201: Introduction to Gender and Development Theories Notes

    AGD 201- INTRODUCTION TO GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT THEORIES 1.1.1 Rationale for Theory in Development Introduction In this section we will define the key concepts in this course: Theory Theory- is a...

    Price: KES :  200

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