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Participatory Rural Appraisal Question Paper

Participatory Rural Appraisal 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Environmental Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer Question ONE and any other TWO questions.

Q1. (a)(i) Formulate a suitable problems analysis for the community through which your class
took a transect walk. ( 14 marks)

(ii) Construct an appropriate livelihood mapping for the above community ( 8 marks)

(b) Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in participatory Rural
Appraisal (PRA):

i) Value scales. ( 2 marks)

ii) Red flags. ( 2 marks)

iii) Triangulation. ( 2 marks)

iv) Participation as a 'means and as an end' ( 2 marks)

Q2. (i) Explain why and how you would conduct a pair wise ranking matrix for a community
that you are familiar with. ( 10 marks)

(ii) Construct a pair wise ranking matrix for the above community for documentation
purposes. ( 10 marks)

Q3. Explain chronologically the steps of programme planning. ( 20 marks)

Q4. Assessment of opportunities for each problem in a community is based on locally
accepted criteria.

Analyze these criteria. ( 20 mark)

Q5. With the help of a flow chart, show the steps you would follow when conducting
a PRA. ( 20 marks)

Q6. Nyaburu Girls' High School was started in 1960. When the results of the first
lot of students were released, the performance was poor; this drove the board of
governors to analyze the causes. Inadequacy of educational facilities was
prioritized as the most pressing problem. Therefore, in the ensuing year,
there was a fund-raising for the school. But in 1966, there was theft of the
facilities. In 1968, the facilities for the school were increased and even in
1970, there was a general fundraising for zonal high schools. Since then the
school's facilities have continued to increase due to contribution from parents.

Based on the above information, construct suitable problem trend lines.
( 20 marks)

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