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Business Studies Question Paper

Business Studies 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010


a. Distinguish a businessman and an entrepreneur (1mark)

b.Define corporate social responsibility and indicate any two activities that businesses engage in to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility (2marks)

c. Contrast a co-operative society and limited liability company on the bases of legality and payment of dividends (2marks)

d. Explain the essence of social Darwinism and suggest its relevance to survival of a business (2marks)

e. Define trade credit and explain its advantages to the seller and buyer of goods on credit (3marks)

"two methods of going into business are to start a new business or to buy an existing business as a going concern and pay for goodwill in addition to the sale price"

a. suggest the factors that may lead business owners to sell their business (3marks)

b. If you were to buy an existing business being offered for sale, what information would you need? (9marks)

c. For each information needed in (b) above suggest the possible sources of the information and why the information is necessary (6marks)

d. Define goodwill and explain the justification for paying goodwill (2marls)

"The major objective of starting a business is to earn profits(as returns on investments) for investors. However in hot pursuit of their objectives, business makes contributions to the quality of life for society "
With respect to the above statement:
a. Distinguish between business and economy (2marks)

b.Discuss the contribution of business to the development of the economy and the society (15marks)

c. Discuss any three factors that could lead to business failure (3marks)

a. Define the term market and distinguish between consumer and industrial markets (2marks)

b. Using relevant examples discuss any six major questions in the analysis of consumer markets and in each case suggest the methods of obtaining answers to each question (16marks)

c. using examples explain what you understand by post purchase dissonance and suggest actions that could be taken by sellers of goods to minimize post purchase dissonance (2marks)

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