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Eng 403: English Structure And Semantics Question Paper

Eng 403: English Structure And Semantics 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts In English And Literature

Institution: Catholic University Of Eastern Africa question papers

Exam Year:2012

Q1. a) What is the meaning of concept? (4 marks)

b) Distinguish between the following concepts

i) Context and co-text

ii) Sentence meaning and utterance meaning (8 marks)

c) Explain the main types of deixis as recognized in language.( 10 marks)

d) Explain the following terms
i) Pleonasm
ii) Periphrasis
iv) semantic absurdity (8 marks)

Q2. a) There are a number of universal lexical relation that exist among lexemes. Identify and explain these relations.(10 marks)

b) language and communication have a strong relationship. Discuss.(10 marks)

Q3. a) Discuss the fives types of meaning (15 marks)

b) Discuss the three main weaknesses of the mentalist theory. (5 marks)

Q4. Discuss the speech act theory (20 marks)

Q5. a)Discuss the four types of associative meaning.(12 marks)

b) In relation to discourse, come up with four rules of conversation. Identity and explain these
rules(8 marks)

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