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History And Government Form 4 Paper 2 End Of Term 1 2012 Question Paper

History And Government Form 4 Paper 2 End Of Term 1 2012 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2012

END OF TERM 1 2012.
1) State two advantages of written records as a source of History and Government
2) Give two characteristics of Home erectus
3) State two effects of the development of early agriculture in Egypt
4) Give two limitations of Barter trade
5) Identify one disadvantage of using coal as a source of energy during the 19th century
6) Give two inventions that improved the textile manufacturing industry in Britain in the 18th Century
7) State one invention in medicine made during the second half of the 20th century
8) Give two negative consequences of urbanisation in Cairo
9) Give two results of the agrarian revolution on urbanisation
10) Identify two reasons why Lewanika collaborated with the British
11) State two economic causes of the scramble for and Partition of Africa.
12) Give one reason why the British were determined to conquer the Ndembele nation.
13) State two conditions that one had to fulfill in order to become fully assimilated in French West Africa.
14) State two effects of local trade.
15a) Why did the Majimaji uprising of 1907 fail in southern Tanganyika?
b) Explain five reforms that were introduced by the German administration after the Majimaji uprising.
16a) What were the main grievances of the Africans in South Africa upto 1994?
b) Explain five methods that the Africans in South Africa used in their struggle for liberation from the white minority rule
17a) What factors facilitated industrialization in Germany during the 19th century?
b) Explain five economic effects of the industrial revolution in Europe during the 19th century.
18a) Why did the British use indirect rule to administer Northern Nigeria?
b) Explain why the use of indirect rule in Southern Nigeria was unsuccessful.
19a) Explain three ways in which citizens in a democracy can practice direct democracy
b) Describe six principles of democracy
20a) State three limitations of using fire and smoke signals as a means of communication
b) What six roles do telecommunication services play in the modern society
21a) State three evidences which make Africa the Cradle of mankind
b) Describe the social, cultural and economic practices of early man during the late stone age.

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