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Dds 201: Theories And Strategies Of Development  Question Paper

Dds 201: Theories And Strategies Of Development  

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Political Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2018

1.Discuss the relevance of Modernization theory in comprehending the development process in developing countries. (25 marks)
2. Discuss the limitation of dependency theory in understanding development process in developing countries. (15 marks)
3. Examine the utility of Rostow's model in the development of Africa. (15 marks)
4. Explain five reasons for adoption of import substitution industrialization strategy in Latin America. (15 marks)
5.Explain how Confucian model facilitated development in East Asia. (15 marks)
6.Discuss the main features of Beijing consensus in China (15 marks)

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