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The plight of Kenyan security officers


Date Posted: 11/25/2012 8:21:43 PM

Posted By: Joemakeit  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2907

Security officers maintain law and order in a country.They also defend the country against internal and external attacks.As their name suggests,they ensure that the country remains secure and safe.In Kenya,we have around 42 tribes.Each of these tribes,practices a certain way of earning a living.Some are pastoralists,others are farmers.Most of the time,there are conflicts.Sometimes you find the farmers and the pastoralists having a conflict because of land or water resources.When there is a conflict,security officers are deployed to calm the situation.They maintain law and order.They even arrest those who incited others and those who attacked others.Our country,being a third-world nation,has a lot of unemployed people.As such,there are a lot of people who become criminals in order to earn a living.It is our security officers who prevent the crimes from taking place.They undertake constant patrols.Using crime detection skills and intelligence,they detect that a crime will take place and they avert the situation.If the crime takes place,they leave no stone unturned to ensure that they arrest the criminals.After they arrest criminals,they arraign them in court for justice to take its course.With many tribes existing in our country,tribalism has become the order of the day.Tribalism has become a liability that retards all the positive developments gained.For example,politicians use the divide and rule tactics in order to become leaders.Due to incitement,hatred and intolerance,tribal wars and conflicts are evident.Again,it is our security officers who we look upon to maintain law and order.They arrest those who actively and directly participated in the war.It goes without saying that our security officers do a great job for the best interests of this country.They sacrifice so much for our country.They risk their lives so that we can be safe.They don't sleep at night while we are busy snoring.They leave their families so that they can serve our

country.These men and women are our unsung heroes.They deserve a lot of credit and appreciation.But what do they get in return?They are mocked and ridiculed.When a criminal is killed by our security officers,the media and the human right activists strongly, harshly and sometimes unfairly,condemn our security officers.They say it is unacceptable and inhuman.But how do you arrest a criminal who is armed and dangerous!However,when a police officer is killed,that becomes acceptable and okay.The media and human rights activists become mum.Their silence becomes so loud!We need to understand our security officers and put ourselves in their shoes.Ladies and gentlemen,our security officers deserve to be appreciated.They do more good than harm.Sometimes they are wrong,we need to understand them.After all,they are human beings and human is to error.Fellow Kenyans,let us give credit where it is due.Let us appreciate our unsung heroes-our security officers.

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