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How self knowledge works


Date Posted: 11/26/2012 1:44:44 PM

Posted By: Geekeijoe  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 453

Some of us wish for the kind of aggressive character which is required for more peace and poise. The primary power necessary is that of self understanding. Human nature is much like an automobile in that unless we know something about its mechanics we cannot make it operate smoothly and efficiently.

If we suffer in any way at all then we don’t understand our character as we should. Our self distress is the perfect evidence of our lack of insight. It is not good to blame the outer world. The perplexity is within us therefore that is what we must probe. Our self-distress is again the perfect evidence of our lack of self-perception to honestly concede that we are often strangers to ourselves in supreme intelligence as well as a sure-cure. This at times takes a revision of our self pictures and a jot to our prides but the end product is a peaceful character. The man who makes head way is the one who takes time to find out what kind of a person he thinks he is. He should examine his reasons for clinging so fiercely to his various beliefs; why he feels it necessary to defend himself so constantly; why he likes this man and hates another; why he is frightened, angry, down casted or even elated.

Self knowledge requires that whenever we hind behind rationalizations or excuses, we become aware that we are doing just that yet this must be done without condemning or justifying ourselves in that we realize the lies we tend to ourselves. If you ask what all this has to do with power, peace and personality the answer is everything, everything in deed. You will never discover you real potential while lying to yourself believing what you want to believe just because you like

feeling like so or because it is the easiest way. Living the life of another person is what you will be doing, something not fair not only to yourself but to the larger society as well. You may desire to live in a way that you think is comfortable, how you saw somebody living; if you then believe that is your suit then follow it you may be closing some sweeter moments lying in the real you.

It is inevitable that most of us like to discover what we want to be and we then go ahead doing everything to live as we please but fail to study the real ourselves, what we have, the talents and qualities that we bear, may be because we fear being rebuked or because living like such would probably turn us to be enemies with those that we admire most and so we care less about the whole thing but surely how would you know how the inner side of a door looks like without opening it yourself to give way to see it’s back? The pain that we would cause ourselves out of living in what we want is much greater than the one we would face in the real us.

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