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The causes of crime in Kenya


Date Posted: 4/20/2013 10:00:52 AM

Posted By: prey  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1405

Crime in Kenya

Kenya has been fighting against so many issues since its independence. Some of these issues include the lack of education, poverty, the lack of jobs and many others. However, the toughest among them is crime. The following are some of the most common causes of crime.

1) Poverty.

This is the most common among all the other causes of crime. The love of many has been known to turn normal human beings into heartless beasts.Therefore, poverty causes an increase in the crime rate.

2) High population growth.

When the people in a particular place or even country are just enough or even less than enough for the available resources and jobs, then there is no need for unhealthy competition. However, when people become too many for the available jobs and resources, this makes it almost totally impossible for the country to support all of them, thus some enter crime.

3) Lack of education.

There are so many different ways that school enables us to make money in a legal way. Also, while at school, you are taught the right way to behave and the negative effects of crime to a person and the society as a whole. Therefore, the lack of education increases the crime rate. This means that those who have never gone to school have a greater chance of being involved in criminal activities than those who have ever gone to school.

4) Not having good role models.

There are some people who have never had a good role model in their lives. This is common with children whose parents are also involved in crime. This makes them to easily become criminals since they see those around them also getting involved in criminal activities.

5) Peer pressure.

Some people are involved in crime simply because they want to please their peers.

This is more common with the people who make the wrong kind of friends. They thus end up wasting their lives just because they hang around the wrong kind of people.

6) Drug abuse.

Some of the harmful and addictive drugs are very expensive. In most cases, the most addictive and most harmful drugs are also the most expensive and illegal drugs. Therefore, they demand so much money from the user, the kind of money that any kind of legal venture they pursue cannot give them. This makes them to feel obligated to commit various crimes, especially stealing which might give them some of the money they need to satisfy their addictions to these drugs.

There are so many causes of crime are so many things that promote crime in Kenya. They are being fought against each day. However, crime is a stubborn enemy and it does not give those who fight it an easy time. Therefore, instead of sitting down comfortably on our chairs at home watching the few who have dedicated their lives to fight against crime do this job for us, why don’t we all stand up and fight crime in Kenya as a country and as one people. Surely a people united can never be defeated.

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