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Chem 402 Cat 1 Question Paper

Chem 402 Cat 1 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biochemistry

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:


Time: 1 Hr

Chem 402 CAT 1

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1.Using the same conductively cell, the following data was obtained.

Electrolyte(0.001M)----Resistivity (M ohms)----Resistance(ohms)------Molar conductivity(ohm-1 m2 mol-1) Nacl A 1580 0.01264
HNO3-------------------- B
HCL-------------- 468 0.04266
NaNO3-------------- 1650 0.01210
State all the assumptions you make,complete the table for A and B(4 marks)

2.The activity coefficient of Hg2+ is 0.4112.If the effective diameter of the ion is 0.498 nm,calculate the ionic strength.(3 marks)

3.Discuss the factors that determine conductance.(6 marks

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