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Bit 2111:Computer Aided Art &Amp; Design Question Paper

Bit 2111:Computer Aided Art &Amp; Design 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Information Technology

Institution: Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

INSTRUCTIONS:Answer Question ONE and Any Other TWO questions. 1) Define the following terms,8mks i) CAD system ii) Database iii) Function iv) Menu b) One of the first functions one should learn when starting to work with CAD is how to get help.Briefly describe four ways.6mks c) Describe any five drawing tools found in CAD software.10mks d) What are the two basic methods for drawing ellipses?2mks e) What are the common methods for drawing dimensions?4mks 2) a) Briefly describe the capabilities that make CAD a powerful tool.6mks b) List the hardware component of a CAD system.3mks c) Briefly describe the CAD software module.6mks d) With references to CAD system,define the term coordinates system.Also give the format of entering coordinates.5Mks 3) a) Describe the format of 3D coordinates in AutoCAD2006.6mks b) Describe criteria for choosing CAD program.6mks c) What are important considerations of plotting or printing drawing in Auto CAD2006 8mks 4) With Aid of ilustrations describe categories of 3D models.20mks

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