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Entrepreneurship Education Question Paper

Entrepreneurship Education 


Institution: Nyeri Technical Training Institute question papers

Exam Year:2011

Nyeri Technical Training Institute
Department Of Automotive Engineering
Motor Vehicle Mechanics
End Of Term Examination
Entrepreneurship Education
Time:2 HRH

1. You are required to have both questions papers and answer sheet.
2.The paper consists of FIVE questions
3.Attempt all questions

1.a) Define the term entrepreneurship.

b) Explain any TWO types of entrepreneurship

c)Discuss any SIX contributions of entrepreneurs in national development. (20 marks)

2. a) Explain any FOUR importance of self employment

b)State THREE advantages and THREE disadvantages of self employment.
3. a) Discuss any FIVE factors considered before entering self employment.

b)State any FIVE reasons why one would choose paid employment rather than self employment.
(20 marks)

4. a) Define the term partnership.

b) State any THREE advantages and THREE disadvantages of partnership.

c) Explain any SIX reasons for failure in business.
(20 marks)

5. a) Differentiate between a limited company and a cooperative.

b)State any FOUR advantages of a limited company and FOUR advantages of a cooperative.
c)Describe any FIVE roles of entrepreneurs in businesses.
(20 marks)

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