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Zool 110: Basic Zoology I Question Paper

Zool 110: Basic Zoology I 

Course:Basic Zoology I

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2008

Answer ALL questions in SECTION A and ANY TWO from SECTION

Answer ALL questions in SECTION A and ANY TWO from SECTION B
Section A (40marks)
Q1. Give the distinguishing characteristics and examples of each of the following
protozoan classes. (8marks)
Flagellata _________________ __________
Ciliata _________________ __________
Rhizopoda _________________ __________
Sporozoa _________________ __________
Q2. Explain the meaning of the following terms (8marks)
a) Bilaterally symmetry
b) Triploblastic
c) Notochord
d) Multicellular
Q3. a) State at least two features of true fishes (2marks)
b) Identify three groups of these fishes and state their characteristic features
Q4. Outline the general features of mollusks (8marks)
Q5. Describe the characteristics of amphibians (8marks)
Section B (30marks)
Q6. Describe the life cycle of a tape worm (15 Marks)
Q7. Discuss the features that differentiate the following classes of the phylum
a) Insecta (5marks)
b) Crustacea (5marks)
c) Arachnida (5marks)
Q8. Describe the types of locomotion in annelids. (15marks)

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