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Business Application Architecture With Java 2011 Question Paper

Business Application Architecture With Java 2011 

Course:Business Application Architecture With Java

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. This paper has two parts: section ‘A’ and section ‘B’.
2. Section ‘A’ has ONE question which is COMPULSORY and carries 30 marks.
3. Attempt ANY TWO questions section B

a) Explain FIVE basic reasons why most businesses adapt the client/server approach to build
their applications. (5marks)
b) Managers typically evaluate the expected client/server benefits based on six criteria. Briefly
explain these six criteria (6marks)
c) Using a diagram explain how the components interact in the client/server architecture
d) The division of the application processing load must conform to some rules. Outline these rules.
e) Clients and servers are separate logical entities that work together over a network to accomplish
a task. Explain any five characteristics of the client/server model.
f) All windows applications are event-driven. Explain some of the features a project (application)
is made up of. (5marks)

a) Give a brief description of the database middleware components.
b) Client/server architecture is an important architecture in many organizations today. What are
some of the client services? (5marks)
c) explain the syntax of the select….case structure as used In VB (5marks)
d) Users are accustomed to the availability of context-sensitive help, “friendly” error handling,
rapid performance, and flexibility. What are the ways to improve performance of a network?

a) Explain any five types of tags that are used in HTML language. (5marks)
b) Outline five features of the visual basic programming language. (5marks)
c) These are the rules to follow when naming elements in VB - variables, constants, controls,
procedures, what are these rules (5marks)
d) In the gathering of the requirements of the system prototype can be the way of modeling the
system. Describe the prototyping process. (5marks)

a) Server software can be easy to develop highlight any three characteristics of a server.
b) Discuss briefly any five types of servers. (5marks)
c) As a system administrator how can you differentiate between a server and a client giving
examples? (4marks)
d) Using a diagram explain the 1tier, 2 tier and the 3 tier architectures of the client/server model.

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