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Bmit 126: Business Application Software Question Paper

Bmit 126: Business Application Software 

Course:Business Application Software

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2008

· Section A is compulsory and has 30 (marks).
· Attempt any TWO questions from Section B. Each question has 15 (marks).
(a) Write an HTML code to display the following information (8 marks)
STEVE 10023 10000
GEORGE 10045 14000
(b) As a professional in business application software, identify the Tenets associated with
professionalism. (2 marks)
(c) Differentiate between Knowledge Management Systems and Office Automation Systems.
(4 marks)
(d) As a manager you are bound to make a decision on the type of a network topology to be
implemented in your organization. If the star topology is suggested what is the difference then
between the star topology and the tree topology? (4 marks)
(e) What do you understand by an operating system? (2 marks)
(f) Software industry is growing every year and this resulted in many problems related to different
areas. Identify and briefly explain the four major Software problems that people face today.
(4 marks)
(g) In any business system a server in most cases is the center of focus. What are the characteristics
of a sever? (3 marks)
(h) Briefly explain the three tiers of the 3-tier architecture. (3 marks)
(a) Write a HTML code that clearly show the use of the preformatted text tag in HTML.
(4 marks)
(b) Entrepreneurs and other small business owners utilize today''s rapidly changing computer
technology in many different areas of operation. Explain any two areas. (4 marks)
(c) As a researcher there are things that you expect the future HCL to include. Briefly explain any
two of these characteristics you expect the future HCL to include. (4 marks)
(d) What is the difference between data and information? (3 marks)
(a) Explain briefly the first and the second error of computer system evolution in relation to the
evolving role of software. (4 marks)
(b) Mr. Kombo wants to start an online business but is not well informed. Briefly help him
understand the Difference between e-commerce and web commerce. (2 marks)
(c) A computer system handles more than one form of data depending on the users’ requirements.
What is the use of the files and folders in any computer system? (2 marks)
(d) Electronic communication has in the resent past been implemented in almost all parts of
business. Briefly explain any two reasons that have made people use electronic communication.
(4 marks)
(e) Briefly explain any three factors to weigh when considering new computer applications.
(3 marks)
(a) What is software engineering? ( 2 marks)
(b) User interface design is considered very essential in any system development give 3 reasons.
(3 marks)
(c) As a system designer explain the mental model principals as used in display design.
(4 marks)
(d) Define information system? (2 marks)
(e) The software industry is flooded with all kinds of software today. This makes it hard for
individuals to identify good quality software products. Explain any four important qualities of a
software product. (4 marks)
(a) E-commerce is taking root in most of the business organization both locally and international.
Briefly explain any four types of e-commerce that business organization can adapt. (4 marks)
(b) What is the difference between a virus and a worm? (3 marks)
(c) Developing a system can be simplified with prototyping. Give two reasons why prototyping can
be problematic. (2 marks)
(d) What do you understand by a network topology? (2 marks)
(e) User computer interaction is through the system interface. Explain any two user interface design
principals. (4 marks)

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