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The story of Lazarus and the rich man; don't say you were not told


Date Posted: 11/22/2012 4:47:51 AM

Posted By: fly1234  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

An enemy may threaten you, but a good friend will warn you of an impending danger. Jesus spoke to all human beings as a friend. If you read your bible carefully, you will notice that He talked more about hell than heaven. I was compelled to ask myself why did He do this.

I discovered that He never talked about this terrible place to scare us, rather,He did this because He knew how horrible this place was. He knew that me and you would suffer if we ended up there, so He had to try His best to alert us.Actually all that we know about hell, is from what Jesus said. In the book of Mark, He says it is a place of torment, where there are a lot of worms and also wthe fire is unquenchable.

There is a story in the bible that i find quite disturbing. The story of Lazarus and the rich man. In Luke 16:19, Jesus paints a picture of how hell looks and feels like. The rich man was so much in torment, i even wonder how high the temperatures are down there, because for a man to cry out in such a pain about a small organ of the body like the tongue, there must have been some excruciating pain he was being subjected to.

Notice that he goes on to tell Abraham to send someone to come to planet earth to warn people of what he is going through. In my life, i have never seen or heard someone in such a desperate situation like this man. I think the experience cannot be explained in words, only God knows.

And the scripture clearly speaks about Heaven and Hell. Some people have simply refused to believe that the two places exist, but what i know is that

God is truth and He cannot lie, not even once.

I was therefore compelled to know why this man deserved to go to this place of torment. I have always been compelled up to this date, to find out exactly what was the mistake of this fellow, so that i may not repeat it.

The bible, in Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned. So from that verse, i perceived that i was a sinner no matter how i thought or felt about myself. Further reading into the scripture revealed to me that the wages of sin was death, and still is up to date. In Romans 6:23, the bible says that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through His son Jesus Christ.

And if the gift of God was eternal life through His Son Jesus, who was the same person warning me about hell, then i thought this man man must be having an answer to my worries.

Let us do it practically. If you were driving on the freeway, say Thika Road and you noticed an accident before others. You will try and warn them of an accident ahead especially if you love them. If you don''t care about them, you will simply drive away using the safest route. The fact that you are aware of that accident also means you are aware of other alternative routes you and other motorists could take to avoid running directly into that scene of disaster.

That is exactly what Jesus did, He saw an accident before you and me could spot it, He warned us because of His love for us and gave us an alternative route to follow so that we are not caught up in the accident ahead.

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