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Simple technique for keeping your lips from drying


Date Posted: 2/11/2013 10:05:47 AM

Posted By: SimonMburu  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 838

It is said that lips are more sensitive than genitals and this might be the reason why they sometimes get very dry because they quickly react to various environments and chemical changes in the body. Use of drugs, flu or any other ailment could cause lip drying. Sometimes the lips get extremely dry to the point of bleeding because of breakage and proper action needs to be administered.
Below is a technique of keeping the lips wet and soft without using any lotions or chemicals but sugar, petroleum jelly and water alone.

For the procedure you will need the following ingredients; warm water, towel or cotton cloth, petroleum jelly, and sugar (with fine crystals).

1. Wet the towel with warm water and use it to wet your lips. Do this for five minutes before drying them.
2. Apply petroleum jelly thoroughly onto your lips.
3. Now rub your lips with the sugar for ten minutes.
4. Wipe off the lather with a warm wet towel before applying petroleum jelly for the last time.

This method is unisex and helps keep your lips from drying for a long time but for good results you need to take plenty of water.

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