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First aid direct methods of artificial respiration


Date Posted: 6/30/2014 5:30:50 AM

Posted By: Wishstar  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 7507

The most effective first aid direct methods of artificial respiration are: mouth to mouth, mouth to nose and mouth to mouth and nose.

This is because:
1. They provide the greatest volume of air to the lungs and come closest to natural breathing.
2. They can be started immediately during rescue and continued while the casualty is moved to safety
3. They provide immediate warning if the airway is blocked.
4. They are not tiring and can be carried out for long periods of time.

Artificial respiration, using one of the direct methods, consists of five simple maneuvers:
1. Response assessment
2. Breathing assessment
3. Airway opening
4. Lung ventilation
5. Pulse assessment
Artificial Respiration Sequential Steps
To give effective artificial respiration, the five maneuvers should be performed quickly and in the proper sequence. The steps of artificial respiration are:
1. Establish unresponsiveness
Gently tap the shoulder and shout, "Are you okay?" If there is no response...
2. Assess breathing
Look, listen and feel for signs of breathing (3 to 5 seconds). If none of these signs of present...
3. Call out for help
Shout or use any other method to attract the attention of anyone who may seek medical aid and assist with first aid.
4. Position the casualty
Place the casualty on her back, supporting the head and neck, and turning the body as a unit
5. Open the airway
Use either the head tilt - chin lift or the jaw thrust without head tilt to open the airway.
While keeping the airway open...
6. Re-assess breathing
Look, listen and feel again for signs of breathing. Opening the airway may have restored spontaneous breathing. If no signs of breathing are detected...
7. Start artificial respiration
Ventilate that lungs, giving two initial breaths. Maintain an open airway and...
8. Check the pulse
Locate and assess the carotid pulse in adults and children or the branchial pulse in infants. Allow 5 to 10 seconds in the initial check to

detect and assess what may be a weak, slow pulse. If a pulse is detected...
9. Send for help
Have someone call for medical aid. Ensure that they have all the needed information to pass on to the police or the emergency services dispatcher. Do not leave a non breathing casualty, whose heart is beating, to call medical aid.
10. Resume ventilation
Ventilate the lungs every 5 seconds for an adult, every 4 seconds for a child and every 3 seconds for an infant. Look for the movement of the chest and listen and feel with your cheek for air flow from the lungs after each breath
11. Reassess the pulse
Reassess the carotid or brachial pulse after the first minute of artificial respiration and entry fee minutes thereafter.

Follow Up Care
When the casualty starts to breath, place her in the recovery position. If neck injuries are suspected and the casualty must be left unattended, apply a cervical collar before carefully turning the casualty into the recovery position. The recovery position helps to maintain an open airway and out will help to prevent fluids and vomits from being breathed into the airway.

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