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How to ensure you have the perfect first date


Date Posted: 6/25/2018 7:56:47 AM

Posted By: Aeren   Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 92

A guide to the perfect first date

Whoever came up with the idea that first impressions count was actually right. It is true that the first ten seconds of a meeting can tell you a lot about a person, same way that the first hour of a date can tell you exactly what you are getting into. Have you ever talked to someone for weeks but immediately lose interest when they show up for the first date? It could be the words they use, or overuse for that matter or how they walk, or how rude they are to the waiter. It is the small things that matter on the first date and like I said, if a date goes well, chances are high that you two may be more than just " texting buddies". So a nice guy walks up to you that one night in a club, you give him your number and weeks later ( or days depending on who we are talking about here) he decides to invite you for a movie, or lunch, or dinner ( or you invite him if you are the aggressive type). You want something to work out between you two. What do you do? Let me let you in on some secrets that may work for you.

First know before hand where you are going. This will help you plan what to wear for the date. My dear don't fall for the " it's a surprise " trick. Nothing is more embarrassing than going on a picnic in heels and a little black dress that you store at the back of your closet specifically for cocktail parties. Know where the hell you are going. If its lunch, wear something comfortable to avoid being given a 'leso' by that mama seated behind

you. If it is dinner, wear something warm and nice to look at. Not too slutty, not too simple.Do not assume that he won't be looking because it will be dark, he will look, even when his eyes are closed, he is still looking.

Conduct yourself properly. Be polite, take your time. I advice against eating burgers and pasta on the first date. You know what those things can do. This is the day to show the guy that you are worth his time. Make him want to go out with you again and again. Do not insult that guy that keeps talking at the theater, or get mad at the waitress that keeps winking at him, have decorum. If the food isn't that good, don't call the restaurant dinghy. Remember he's seated there mentally taking notes on every little thing you do. He is there to meet a lady, not a ghetto princess for Christ's sake. If you are there talking about how you used to be in a gang and how you had a gun when you were fourteen, he may run. He could be a cop and arrest you even. Tone it down. So you admit you are the outspoken type, sure but don't tell him everything including who your cousin's neighbor is crushing on. Be relevant.

Check the signs. If he shows up in an Armani suit and has a Rolex, then he definitely has an eye for fashion. If his English is good, be careful with yours too. If he is trying hard to impress you, appreciate him so that he doesn't overdo it. Sit upright, maintain eye contact when he's talking because nothing excites a man more than knowing that you are listening to what he is talking about. Even if you are not sure about the subject, just give your opinion but make it clear that you are not sure about it. We don't want him thinking that you are a moron, do we? For the smart girls also, please do not dominate the conversation with your medical or law jargon. Limit your vocabulary and engage him in the conversation as well.

Men love their ego, try not to hurt his. Do not intimidate him just because he does not know Givenchy or Jimmy Choo and what they mean to fashion. If his knowledge is up there, meet him there, if it is down here, meet him there too. If he was late by ten minutes, don't keep talking about how he shouldn't keep a lady waiting, he knows that by now already, and I'm sure he apologised for that.
Leave your exes out of the topic, even if he asks you, politely divert the subject. Nobody wants to know about the ex, especially not on the first date. Say something like you want to leave the past in the past or anything your smart brain can think of.

It's a big no to invite your entire clan to the first date, it is not a reunion. The poor guy may have carried only Five thousand shillings to pay for the food, but you decide to invited two neighbours and three cousins. The guy then resolves to having water as the six of you ravage your drumsticks. It's not fair women, not fair to make him have a texting fundraiser under the table. Go alone, and if you do not trust him yet, go somewhere public where he won't try anything funny.

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