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Commit To Your Goals


Date Posted: 4/16/2019 7:08:16 AM

Posted By: Belan  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 202

If you take academic success as a journey, then commitment qualifies as the driving force towards your goals.It is what drives your vehicle of success forward. Without commitment, your goals become fantasies, your attitude nothing but a dream and your great thoughts,a simple creation of your imagination.

Commitment is more than hard work;it is a trait of sincere and steadfast.It means total personal sacrifice.Many students have high goals and the correct attitude but they do not have commitment, which makes their goals and attitudes worthless.

Real commitment is the driving force for those who are hopeful. It calls for the abilities to be consumed,to be flexible, and to know yourself.

•Ability To Be Consumed.
You must be ready to face the tumbles of hardworking.The ability to be consumed means you are ready to give your all in everything you do,regardless of the challenges.

•Ability To Be Flexible.
You need to adapt to the changing landscape on the road to success.You must know how to change according to the times and challenges.Even as you are flexible,you should never forget your original goals.

•Ability To Know Yourself.
You need to know yourself and your beliefs.If you do not,you might commit yourself to the wrong cause.Commitment begins when you know yourself fully.It is the first real step towards achieving your goals.


Self-drive is also known as initiative. Others describe it as doing the right thing without being told.Most people know what the right thing to do is but they do not it unless prompted to do so.

Commitment starts with you being personally responsible for something and taking it as your own desire,not a boring chore forced upon you.

How does one lack Self-drive?The following are possible reasons:

You may tend to live in your comfort zone,not straining yourself. Sometimes you dont feel like doing anything, you need a

supervisor or a teacher to prompt you to do that task.

•Lack of goals.
People seldom take initiative over things that do not involve them or that are not known to them.Until you know the reason why you are in school,you will not take the initiative.

•A bad culture.
While culture can encourage, it can also discourage.You may be in a school that does not have good teacher-student relations.You join it well-motivated but lose your Self-drive even before you can exercise it.The school culture draws you down to the same level as everybody else.

•Lack of self-knowledge.
In order to perform well in any field,you must know yourself, your tastes and your capabilities.

In order to encourage a culture of taking initiative,you must know why you lack it.You can then tackle the problem from its roots.

Focusing on the achievement of your goal also fuels your self-drive.You need to take some time to imagine how how it would be like to achieve your goal.

Only when you realise that you are your own captain can you break free from cultures that do not encourage self-drive.Many people are failures because they never even tried.Success comes from trying again and again.People who are afraid to test new waters seldom make it.

Commitment stands the test of time.The academic journey has many difficulties and consistency demands that you surrender to the cause constantly but not just once.You need to wear glasses of hopefulness,so you can see obstacles as stepping stones.In fact,challenges are not just stepping stones but are springboards. You just need to step on them and not let them weigh you down.

Few students maintain their goals for considerable long periods.They do not know the importance of hard work.When they finally realise it,the difficulties of youth destroy their desire to work.They end up being lazy or or unwilling to work.You on the other hand,must maintain your goal. Know it,carry it,and talk about it,until it becomes a part of you.

One invisible cause of inconsistency is lack if belief in yourself.When you state your goals at the beginning of your journey,you are excited and believe that all things are possible. Soon after, though,the harsh environment,bad culture,and discouraging people steal your goals,leaving you in doubt of your abilities. This is where determination is required.

Determination is the power of people to pursue their pledges to the end.

Even if you are determined, without the proper attitude and a defined goal,you cannot paddle a canoe against monsoon winds.You risk capsizing.Stop and ask yourself what you need to correct.

Determination does not mean wild eagerness and unplanned action.It means a well-designed course of action.Determination and discipline go together. Without discipline, determination becomes wasteful,time-consuming and even dangerous.

Determination reaches beyond barriers.There can be no determination without courage.If hard work and honesty are virtues, then courage is even greater because ,without it,the others are not possible to carry out.Even attitude is closely tied to courage. It requires certainty, which is almost a synonym for courage.

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