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Why we need to return tithes


Date Posted: 4/17/2013 10:37:56 AM

Posted By: Brendah Aroko  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 3317

The question of tithing is a very controversial question to many Christians because they have questions regarding when to tithe and when they can withhold tithe or if they can give tithe in any other ways other than in the church. The book of Malachi tells us to return our tithes to God and according to the words used in the book, it means that we are not doing God a favor by giving tithe but actually all the wealth belongs to him and we are just expected to just give back to Him. God requires us to return tithes to Him as a way of showing us how to be generous with what He gives us.

Tithes can be by way of our talents, our money and wealth as well as all that God has given us. We are incapable of giving ourselves the talents that we have but only God can do this. We at times fail to serve God with the gifts that He has given us and this shows that we cannot be good stewards when we go to heaven. It shows that we are unfaithful to Him and so He cannot entrust us with more. If we are incapable of using the little we have then it means that if we are given more, we will not know how to use it. A faithful servant always gets rewarded for his service and that is the same in our life of tithing, if we hide what belongs to God and give excuses then the Lord will feel that you love your life more than you love Him. When some of us are faced with financial difficulties, we feel that giving back God’s tithe is a burden upon us and we cry out to God asking for

Him to understand the challenges we are going through. We start asking God how He expects us to survive after we return His tithe but we are told in the Bible that we need to be like children, we have to be obedient and humble the way Abraham was, we should trust in God completely and give without thinking about the consequences but just obey.

We should not think of God’s blessings in line with monetary value but we should accept all the things we have. The gift of life is a favor and as long as we are alive we ought to be grateful to God for that and there’s no better way to show that gratitude rather than using that gift of life to touch other people’s lives. We need to make those around us feel the value of the life they have, we should make them appreciate the value of each day that comes as a result of God’s gift of life. We have been given talents that we ought to use to serve God, if you are good at preaching, you ought to preach as much as you can so that when you are asked what you have done with your talent of preaching, you can show the souls you have won to God through your talent. Some have the talent of singing and praising God, they praise so well that they draw people to the true worship, this is a gift that you need to use in honor of God because if you can’t praise God with it then what else will you do apart from honoring the devil. We are expected to be careful with the gifts we have lest the lord takes the away from us.

Give and it shall be given to you because when you give you show that willingness to give and God will add more and more to your basket and you will be able to give more. The Lord sometimes does not add blessings to us because He feels that our baskets are too full and there is no space enough to take in more. When we give we create more space in our baskets which will accommodate the more blessings that God wants to give to us. The book of Malachi also states that when we try God, He will open up the windows of heaven and bless us. When the bible talks of windows it means that the outlets will be many for the blessings to be poured out. When we return tithes, we store up our treasures in heaven where moths or rust can eat them up and therefore we should store more in heaven than on earth because in the long run our earthly treasures will go to waste but when we store up in heaven even when we die, we will have more in heaven where we are going to go eventually.

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