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How to tackle KCSE and KCPE papers during exams for good results


Date Posted: 8/5/2017 7:14:26 AM

Posted By: Githiari  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 927

When the Kenya certificate of Secondary Education is around the corner, many students are very eager to trace a modeled way of handling any paper to count the most positive marks. Just like the way you as a student have been scheduling your studies all the way, is the same way you need to schedule steps to pass over any paper. Failing to plan is a plan to fail and you need to take it into your hand to make a correct layout of processes that will take place from the time you receive that red, blue, green paper with a KNEC signature to the time you hand it over to the invigilator. We all aim to the highest mark when we study the possible time we been having, but if we don’t put things in a correct order we end up failing, not because we don’t understand but because we skipped key steps in our phase, that stonewalled us from an opportunity ahead.

An exam can have more than one section which gives the student an opportunity to try luck in a variety of ways. The non-sectioned papers have uniformly distributed marks from the beginning to the end. Such papers include Chemistry, Biology among others and they entail question with marks ranging from a half to three marks per individual question. If such a paper appears in front of your eyes and never knew how best to approach it, then here come an advance chance to start. You begin by passing over the paper briefly without answering .This will help you to familiarize yourself with the set provided. After you have a skeleton understanding of what the teacher had for you, do not move back to take the challenge; start the journey by answering the questions that seem well

understood to you and do not exceed one mark. Skip questions in this category that may consume more than thirty second to answer. Jump into questions with more than one mark but unstructured,answer,and on successful completion, start answering the structured in the same mark ascending order and remember to keep within the time scope. After following the above steps the student then to get beak to each and every question carefully to verify that all spaces are correctly loaded with answers as required by the exam guidelines.

In the sectioned paper we start by reviewing ones with two sections, and they include examples such as Geography, Mathematics among others. For instance in Geography, section A requires the student to answer all questions meaning they are compulsory. They can grab between one and five marks per individual question. Jumping into section B the student is required to answer one compulsory question and other two of choice with individual questions having a scoop of between twenty to twenty five marks. For a student to be able to answer correctly with less confusion, the non-compulsory questions should be answered first within the time span after which the compulsory is handled as these are mostly technical questions that requires drawing and statistics. Some papers such as Mathematics do not have a compulsory question in this section. Review your paper; verify the answers and identity details before forwarding.

Other papers such as Agriculture have three sections; sections A, B and C. Section A sums up to thirty marks and individual questions are unstructured holding between a half and three marks. Answer individual questions from this section in the same mark ascending order and within their level of conversant. Do not waste your time for questions that you do not know their answers. Move to the next number in the section and leave it for review time. Section B adds to twenty marks and may comprise mostly diagrams, calculations and other technical tasks. Individual questions take between one to three marks. The same answering procedure is needed here just like in section A and other papers as indicated in this article. The final section C carries forty marks with three main questions each with an award of twenty marks individually. The student is therefore required to answer two questions of choice and it is recommended to answer most understood. If all the three questions are answered, the teacher will never hesitate to mark the three but will record the first two regardless of whether the student got zero for the two and everything for the third question. You need to be careful then when answering such sections to strike back your opportunity when it hits you.

In the case of languages English and Kiswahili, there are no sections but in one way or the other there are three different structures namely; grammar, comprehension and poetry. It’s recommended that the student begin with grammar since this section is independent and easy to formulate the answer more than the other sections. Comprehension is easy to extract answer compared to poetry hence the student to Passover the comprehension for the first and second time before answering. Ensure you understand the story before you can dare the answers. The same procedure needs to be followed when attempting the poetry part because this more the same comprehension but differ by the formula of information.

Any paper is valuable in a student’s course but the value cannot be noticed if the student does not make it happen. It matters to no point the subject, but the performance after all. Take keen of time, prepare thoroughly and schedule before you start any challenge. Remember to consider your goal to follow and note if you fail, such an opportunity will be lost not unless you decide to retake it which cannot be exactly the same. Good luck.

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