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Major Development Projects In Kenya In The Twentieth Century


Date Posted: 8/3/2018 7:58:34 AM

Posted By: STEPHKIMOTHO  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 402

Kenya has made major steps in development in the twentieth century.Day by day our chances of getting into the league of one of the world's most developed countries are increasing.Moreover, we are working towards achieving the vision 2030 which is our everyday goal.Our major development projects in this era are:

1. Promotion of Free Primary Education.
This was a project of the former president of Kenya His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki.He had a great vision for the education of the citizens of the country.Earlier on, the cost of getting primary education posed the danger of increasing illiteracy levels in the country.By making primary education free,children especially from humble economical backgrounds had a chance to get educated while parents made up plans for paying their future secondary education.

2. Promulgation of the New Constitution.
This happened in the year 2010 under the leadership of President Mwai Kibaki.This led to the devolution of the national government to regional government which helped to bring the services of the government closer to the people.The country was then divided into 47 counties each headed by a governor.This also helped to promote democracy closer to the people as the voice of the citizens could now be heard easily.

3. Support for Agriculture
Kenya is known to produce a host pf major agricultural produce on earth which include:tea,coffee,flowers,sisal,cotton etc.Irrigation schemes such as Mwea and Bura were rehabilitated and expanded in the twentieth century.Farmers have been motivated by the reduction of price of fertilizers in the country.Many agro-based industries have been developed .Production of Maize also increased rapidly during the reign of President Kibaki.Both coffee and tea exports are well known to have risen rapidly.

4. Infrastructure Development.
Many roads have been constructed recently.This has enabled easy transportation of both people and goods.The construction of the super-higway is

a good example.The road made it easy for all kenyans to easily access the interior of Kenya more efficiently.It ensured easier conduction of businesses in the Central region of Kenya.Secondly, the construction of the Kisumu International airport has posed a major improvement of the air transport in the country.It has helped to reduce congestion in the other international airports in Kenya.The Jubilee government has seen to it that there is efficient supply of electricity in the entire country.Most schools are well supplied with electricity.Most healthcare institutions can now work both day and night.Another major development project is the construction of the Standard-Gauged railway.This is a great achievement by the president Uhuru government.This has helped to promote easier movement of cargo and people from the coast of the country to the interior.It is a world class project and is an up-to-date technology

5. Healthcare.
Many hospitals are being updated to modern technology.New equipment are being installed in healthcare institutions everyday.The access to ARV's have been increased throughout the country to ensure that people living with HIV/AIDS are well taken care of.At this moment around 85% of Kenya's children get to be immunized.The number of people with the NHIF insurance cover has unimaginably increased especially in the reign of the jubilee government.Maternity care has also been made free of charge to ensure that our mothers are able to deliver safely.This has helped to reduce the child mortality rate in the country.


Kenya has really made great steps to development and it is my belief that we have already made up a pathway to early success.It is my wish that the same spirit will continue not only now but also for the future generations.

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